• 财务公司普华永道3月份份报告谈到FTSE- 350公司高层管理者已经比2002下降了40%。

    In a report in March, PricewaterhouseCoopers, an accountancy firm, said that the number of female senior managers in FTSE-350 firms had fallen by 40% since 2002.


  • 普华永道一家咨询会计公司,进行过去年里经济犯罪调查

    PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), a consulting and accounting firm, has conducted a biennial survey of economic crime for the past ten years.


  • 普华永道咨询公司份研究报告指出,93%购物者经济衰退导致他们已经改变了自己的购物习惯

    According to a report by PwC, a consultancy, 93% of shoppers say they have changed their behaviour as a result of the economic downturn.


  • 不失为主意普华永道顾问罗南奥涅格但是如果所有消费者都选择价格低廉公司,那么报价还是会上涨

    These are good ideas. But if all customers pick the lowest prices, those tariffs will rise, says Ronan O’Regan of PwC, a consultancy.


  • 普华永道咨询公司数据,从价值上计算,去年黄金交易矿业类总成交额31%。

    By value, 31% of the mining deals last year involved gold, according to the consulting arm of PwC.


  • 普华永道表示正在调查拉声明表示,由于保密问题,该公司不能进一步置评

    PwC said it was examining Mr Raju's statement but could not comment further due to confidentiality issues.


  • 根据咨询公司普华永道一份报告,61%的首席执行官表示他们招聘安排使用年轻雇员遇到麻烦。

    In a new report from PricewaterhouseCoopers, a consultancy, 61% of chief executives say they have trouble recruiting and integrating younger employees.


  • 咨询公司普华永道估算登记兑换97%第一购买保险

    PricewaterhouseCoopers, a consultancy, estimates that 97% of those enrolled in exchanges will be buying insurance for the first time.


  • 2002年IBM普华永道咨询公司收购看起来,似乎是拼上服务业战略版图最后一块

    When IBM bought the consulting arm of PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2002, it seemed like the final piece of the jigsaw needed to complete the services strategy.


  • 普华永道毕马威国会人员联系名单上,很多小一些咨询公司比如克利尔·沃特和提一样

    PricewaterhouseCoopers and KPMG are both listed as having links with parliamentary staff, as are numerous smaller consultancies such as Clearwater and Titon.


  • 现如今的咨询公司,却提供短浅且无端的文件数据过载的报告正如最近波士顿咨询集团提供的关于中国风能的报告,以及普华永道会计师事务所做的电子健康记录

    Consultancies now put out short opinionated papers as well as data-laden reports such as BCG's recent one on wind power in China or PricewaterhouseCooper's on electronic health records.


  • 根据目前形式经济学家们——来自咨询公司普华永道会计师事务所斯蒙德·波尼——预计经济增长顶多也就是疲软式的。

    On current form, economists such as Esmond Birnie of PricewaterhouseCoopers, a consulting firm, expect lacklustre economic growth at best.


  • 咨询公司普华永道预测2009年北美轻型车销售进一步下跌17%至1,080万

    PricewaterhouseCoopers, a consulting firm, predicts that light-vehicle sales in North America for 2009 will fall a further 17% to 10.8m.


  • 10月4号普华永道咨询公司宣布,其咨询事务利润在2009年到2010年上涨了7.9%。

    PWC's consulting revenues, announced on October 4th, rose 7.9% between 2009 and 2010.


  • 普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)合伙人业务恢复服务部门负责人区兆邦(TedOsborn)明年开始,会更多公司上演重组或清算这一幕。

    'Starting next year, a lot more situations are going to come into play,' said Ted Osborn, partner and business-recovery-services leader at PricewaterhouseCoopers.


  • 普华永道会计服务公司发布了题为“2015年世界”的报告,其结论金融危机加快全球经济力量新兴经济体转移

    THE World in 2050, published by PwC, a professional-services firm, concludes that the financial crisis has accelerated the shift in global economic power to emerging economies.


  • IDC分析师FrankGens说“率领IBM公司整合普华永道咨询公司的关键人物,而这对IBM公司转型起到了至关重要的作用。”

    "She was the key executive in leading the IBM integration of PricewaterhouseCoopers into IBM," says IDC analyst Frank Gens. "That was instrumental in IBM's transformation."


  • 但是在Yukos前任首席财务Bruce Misamore对此予以否认说:消息灵通普华永道一些最高级经理了解公司的结构。

    But Bruce Misamore, the former chief financial officer at Yukos, denies this. "PWC was fully informed and knew more about the structure of the company than some of the most senior managers," he says.


  • 普华永道咨询公司认为一些公司正在为此寻找解决之道

    But PWC, a consultancy, says some firms are finding solutions to this.


  • 不失为主意普华永道顾问罗南·奥涅格但是如果所有消费者都选择价格最低廉的公司,那么报价还是会上涨

    These are good ideas. But if all customers pick the lowest prices, those tariffs will rise, says Ronan o 'regan of PwC, a consultancy.


  • 国际会计公司普华永道周日发布份报告显示,2017年中国电影票房预计超过美国,成为世界最大的票房市场。

    China's box office is anticipated to surpass the United States in 2017 and claim the title of the world's largest, according to a report by international accounting 1 firm PwC on Sunday.


  • 作为全球最大专业服务公司之一普华永道每年面向全国招收15002000名毕业生根据去年相关数据显示其中7%到8%的雇员来自英语专业

    PwC, one of the world's largest professional service firms, hires 1,500 to 2,000 graduates nationwide and, based on last year's figures, 7 to 8 percent of them will be English majors.


  • 根据咨询公司普华永道测算人口,有资源,有企业的更新换代的尼日利亚可是成为世界前二十强国家

    It has the people, resources and entrepreneurial metabolism to make it one of the world's 20 leading economies, reckons PwC, a consultancy.


  • 来自普华永道会计师事务所(PricewaterhouseCoopers)名审计员警察局拘押,他们试图解释他们为什么会审定签发外包公司的假

    Two auditors from PricewaterhouseCoopers are in police custody, where they are trying to explain why they signed off on the outsourcing company's cooked books.


  • 近日莫斯科上诉法院决定驳回普华永道会计师事务所关于法院裁定其与破产石油巨头尤科斯公司合谋制造虚假审计的上诉请求,普华永道会计师事务所在前景变得扑朔迷离。

    The Moscow appeal court said it could not continue the hearings because Yukos, the co-defendant, had been liquidated, leaving PwC in limbo after months of pressure from the Russian government.


  • 普华永道公司的研究显示,80后和90后他们的前辈更加重视工作与生活平衡

    Research from PwC and others suggest that millennials — more than previous generations — value work/life balance.


  • 普华永道公司的研究显示,80后和90后他们的前辈更加重视工作与生活平衡

    Research from PwC and others suggest that millennials — more than previous generations — value work/life balance.


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