While letting the jeans air-dry, he may slip a "woodsy" scented sachet of potpourri into the jeans as he lays them flat.
You should only be using seasoned wood, newspaper, or kindling.
His wife had washed it the day before and hung it out to dry.
It was George who first proposed that we dry clothes in that locker.
My friend looked into a tall mirror just as he was lifting his foot to a stool to dry it, and he was reminded of the statue.
Dried beans and peas, lentils, enriched cereals, whole-grain products, dark leafy green vegetables, and dried fruit are good sources of iron.
While letting the jeans air-dry, he may slip a 'woodsy' scented sachet of potpourri into the jeans as he lays them flat.
The zap in a freshly dried sock contains an enormous number of photons, but there are more delicate experiments where single photons are evident.
Other than that, you can maintain your denim by washing and drying in ways that won't harm the fabric as explained in this page.
To create the look, the tiny plants are glued to an acrylic nail using Oasis floral adhesive and then attached to her real nail after it dries.
关于烟囱的故事来源是这样:圣诞老人驾着雪橇飞过房顶时,不小心掉了一些硬币。 于是,他就落在挂在壁炉边等待晾干的那些长筒袜上。
The chimney story was this:Santa flew over house tops in a sleigh, he dropped coins by accident and he landed in some stockings hanging next to the fireplace to dry.
The chimney story was this: Santa flew over house tops in a sleigh, he dropped COINS by accident and he landed in some stockings hanging next to the fireplace to dry.
Speeding out of the harbour and taking a last look at Kimmirut makes for something of a bizarre sight. Tradition and technology sit side-by-side in unexpected ways.
Brigida was just hanging up Peter's shirt to dry, when the whole company arrived.
In rural Maine, a disgruntled neighbor murders his enemy and turns him into a scarecrow, leaving him "drying slowly, slowly in the wind".
The cicada finds a place in the sun to dry its new shell and wings.
One good tip someone gave me is to take old clothes and just throw them away when you move on, instead of washing and waiting for things to dry.
I don't have to wait for long for clothes to dry on a rack before being able to wear them again.
And I'll never hang decorative towels in the bathroom — all towels in the bathroom are for drying purposes.
A clothes drier is designed for the purpose of generating heat, so you can avoid bringing more heat into your home by drying your clothes on a line (or anything you can hang them on, for that matter).
Properly disposed of it, wash and dry the deep fryer according to manufacturer directions, and replace it with fresh liquid grease.
Next to my house was a synagogue, and in the dark I saw the rabbi's finest white shirt hanging to be dried.
Wet laundry is hung outside to dry or under a heat lamp in the bathroom.
Wet laundry is hung outside to dry or under a heat lamp in the bathroom.