• 本文给出混合噪声非线性递归最小误差算法性能分析

    This paper presents the performance analysis of recursive least square algorithm with error-saturation in mixture noise.


  • 图像处理应用非常广泛二维最小误差算法(TDLMS)。

    Widely used in image processing of two-dimensional minimum mean square error algorithm (TDLMS).


  • 适应滤波算法采用最小均误差算法减少算法运算量提高算法的收敛速度

    The adaptive filter is based on variable step size LMS method (VSSLMS), which can reduce the computation requirement and improve the convergence speed.


  • 虽然判决导引最小误差算法(DD -LMS)剩余误差,但是,信道眼图闭合的情况下,算法无法收敛具备启动能力

    Though the decision directed least mean square error algorithm (DD-LMS) has small residual error, when the channel eye close, it can not converge. That is, it has no cold start ability.


  • 建立回波抵消器模型基础上,按最小均误差准则,导出了自适应滤波器抽头的统计梯度算法和抽头调节收敛公式。

    Based on building up a model of echo canceller, the convergence of gradient-type stochastic adjustment algorithm of an adaptive filter under the mean-squared error criterion is discussed.


  • 算法实现横摆角速度线性最小误差估计可对汽车行驶过程中的系统噪声观测噪声统计特性进行在线估计

    This algorithm can realize linear minimum mean square error estimation of yaw rate, and on-line estimate statistical characteristic of system noise and observation noise during vehicle running.


  • 本文讨论了带有参考通道自适应环境噪声滤波器原理,该滤波器采用最小误差LMS算法

    One kind of theories of adaptive noise cancellation filter with referent channel based on Least Mean Square (LMS) algorism is discussed in this paper.


  • 技术基于优化子空间最小误差MMSE用户检测算法

    This technique is based on the suboptimal subspace blind minimum mean square error (MMSE) algorithm of multiuser detection.


  • 本文根据现有长调整原则,利用误差步长关系曲线特点,提出新的变步长最小算法

    The paper put forward a new improved least mean square algorithms which is on the basis of the fundamental of convergence step and the graph connection between error and step.


  • 算法采用匹配技术,依据滤波动态调整测量噪声使融合系统误差始终最小

    With covariance matching technique and innovation information of filtering, the noise variance is dynamically adjusted and the mean square error of the fusion system always keeps minimum.


  • 采用常用最小误差(LMS)自适应算法研究了自适应解调A SK信号解调及其性能

    The demodulation and performance of adaptive demodulation method to ASK signals was studied by Least Mean Squares algorithm (LMS) in common use.


  • 算法相对于均方误差最小准则最大误差最小化准则具有占用存储空间计算时间短的优点。

    Compared with the minimum mean squared error principle and the minimaxs principle this one needs smaller memory space and less computation time.


  • 仿真实验显示章提出检测器算法误码率低于已有的解相关最小误差多级多用户检测器。

    Our simulation experiments show that the bit-error-ratio (BER) of these new detectors is much lower than that of decorrelation, minimum mean-squared error and multistage detectors.


  • 给出基于差分最小均方误差(DMMSE)准则扩频序列ds- CD MA自适应用户检测算法

    Algorithms based on DMMSE (Difference minimum mean square error) criterion of adaptive multi users detector for short spreading sequences DS CDMA systems is proposed.


  • 提出方误差最小意义上最佳三维子带分配算法算法任意给定码率限制条件下都能获得率失真性能

    An optimal subband rate allocation algorithm in mean-squared error (MSE) minimization sense was proposed, which achieves persistent optimal rate-distortion performance under any given rate constrains.


  • 本文指出最小算法不能使均方误差最小证明最小均方算法实际上加权最小二乘算法

    It is shown in this paper that the Least-Mean-Square algorithm cannot minimize the mean square error, and that it is actually a kind of weighted Least-Square algorithm.


  • 通过最小均方误差估计算法(MMSE)比较,变门限聚定位算法有效消除质量数据对定位结果的影响从而提高了目标的定位精度

    By eliminating the possible influence produced by low quality data, the presented algorithm can improve localization precision effectively in comparison with the MMSE algorithm.


  • 基于导频信道估计已经受到广泛的研究主要估计算法最小二乘法(LS)、最小误差法(MMSE)和最大似然(ML)估计法

    The channel estimation method based on pilots has received much research. It adopts the algorithms such as least squares (LS), minimum mean square error (MMSE), maximum likelihood (ML), and so on.


  • 针对快跳频址系统,提出了基于最小误差MMSE)准则多用户检测算法

    This technique is based on the suboptimal subspace blind minimum mean square error (MMSE) algorithm of multiuser detection.


  • 技术基于优化子空间最小误差(MMSE)用户检测算法

    This technique is based on the suboptimal subspace blind minimum mean square error (MMSE) algorithm of multiuser detection.


  • 为了这些不平衡信号通过分析最小(LMS)误差算法得出一相对合适滤波算法

    To filter the unbalance signals, one kind of relatively suitable filter algorithm was proposed through analyzing some kinds of least mean square (LMS) algorithms.


  • 为了这些不平衡信号通过分析最小(LMS)误差算法得出一相对合适滤波算法

    To filter the unbalance signals, one kind of relatively suitable filter algorithm was proposed through analyzing some kinds of least mean square (LMS) algorithms.


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