• 另一种获得流感免疫力猪的方法是去除细胞膜表面的介导病毒进入细胞受体

    Another way they could make pigs resistant to swine flu would be to knock out the pig cell membrane receptor that the virus USES to gain access to cells.


  • 博士研究成果刊登周新科学家杂志最显著的部分,崔博士以前说过,可以癌症免疫力老鼠细胞治疗患癌症的普通老鼠。

    Dr Cui, whose work is highlighted in this week's New Scientist magazine, has previously shown cells from mice found to be immune to cancer can be used to cure ordinary mice with tumours.


  • 户外笼子里的空气传播病毒免疫力

    Birds in outside cages develop immunity to airborne bacteria.


  • 传播疾病害虫落后,其中100目前使用各种杀虫剂免疫力

    Not to be left behind are the disease-spreading pests, about 100 species of which have become immune to a variety of insecticides now in use.


  • 这种让蛇方寸大乱的表演,再加上松鼠响尾蛇毒液一定的免疫力松鼠在遇到响尾蛇的时候了本能优势

    This alarming display, plus the fact that squirrels are partially immune to rattlesnake venom, actually gives the squirrel a distinct advantage when it confronts a rattlesnake.


  • 相对而言,男性此类化学物质分泌免疫力

    Men, in contrast, are relatively immune to even high amounts of the chemical.


  • 如果类似H5N1大流行病毒出现,无人免疫力

    No one will have immunity should an H5N1-like pandemic virus emerge.


  • 组科学家研究表明,麻疹病毒需要少部分易感儿童导致麻疹暴发因此尽可能的儿童麻疹免疫力很重要的。

    According to the researchers, the measles virus only needs a small number of susceptible children to cause outbreaks, so it is important that as many children as possible have immunity to the virus.


  • 党参广泛用作人参替代物血压增强免疫力开胃的功效。

    Commonly used asa cheaper substitute for ginseng, the herb is believed to lower blood pressure, boost one's immune system and improve appetite.


  • 结婚离婚商业周期起伏明显免疫力

    Marriage and divorce rates have remained remarkably immune to the ups and downs of the business cycle.


  • Northrup认为,优质的晚上睡眠修复你免疫系统因为个优质睡眠时,N -乙酰- 5 -甲氧基色胺水平上升将提高免疫力

    A good night's sleep will restore the immune system, Northrup says, because when you get a good night's sleep, melatonin levels rise and that improves immunity.


  • 我们实际上控制他们的免疫力,”,“解释不是性格外向的更多的人接触因此病毒免疫力。”

    "We actually control for their immunity," he says. "the explanation isn't that extroverts interact with more people, and therefore have immunity to that virus."


  • 证据显示压力会减低免疫力这会引起很多上述身体症状包括易怒抑郁症这样的情感问题

    Evidence suggests that stress lowers immunity, which can lead to many of the physical symptoms outlined above as well as emotional problems, including irritability and depression.


  • 一个槲皮素天然氧化剂,是苹果花椰菜绿茶发现的。它可以那些压力的人增强免疫力

    A natural antioxidant called quercetin, found in red apples as well as broccoli and green tea, may give an immunity boost to individuals under stress.


  • 使感到疲倦可能降低免疫力手里就掌握线索

    Iron deficiency leaves you exhausted and can reduce immunity, but your hands hold a clue.


  • NEJM研究显示许多美国老年人和1976年猪流感疫苗的接种者可能都已经这种病毒免疫力

    One of the NEJM studies also showed that many older Americans as well as recipients of the 1976 swine flu vaccine may already be protected against the new virus.


  • 流感流行全新种流感病毒最近人群广泛流行的种流感病毒引起,几乎无人免疫力

    An influenza pandemic is caused by a virus that is either entirely new or has not circulated recently and widely in the human population. This creates an almost universal vulnerability to infection.


  • 已经免疫力可以抵抗轻微感染,她的眼睛醒来时会睁开睡着时会闭上

    She’s developing immunities that will help her fight mild infection and her eyes are now open when she’s awake and closed when asleep.


  • 其它流感感染研究显示母乳喂养可能婴儿保护作用——母亲免疫力传给婴儿,可减少患呼吸道疾病危险

    Studies on other influenza infections show that breastfeeding is most likely protective for babies - it passes on helpful maternal immunities and lowers the risk of respiratory disease.


  • 我们生活中问题一定免疫力我们可以通过努力来实现幸福

    In our lives, no one is definitely immune to problems, but we may achieve happiness through striving.


  • 野生动物重症传染病免疫力然而人类极易遭受这些疾病的侵袭。

    Wild animals are immune to some severe infectious diseases, whereas human beings are easily attacked by them.


  • 某种动物可能对影响人类疾病免疫力

    An animal might be immune to a disease that affects humans.


  • 到目前为止,甲流病毒并未感染很多60以上人群这或许是因为他们已经过去流感疫情中获得了免疫力。 甲型H1N1病毒虽然是一种新的毒株,但与其他类型的流感病毒相似之处。

    So far, the new flu strain hasn't sickened very many Americans age 60 and older -- possibly because they have immunity from similar viruses that caused past influenza pandemics.


  • 如果认为自己广告产生强大影响力足够免疫力,那么你错了

    If you think you are immune to be influenced by the power of advertisements, you are wrong.


  • 极少数这种特定组合免疫力我们关注这会一个大流行不仅仅通常季节性流感暴发

    Very few people will have any immunity to this particular combination, which is what gives the concern that this will be a pandemic rather than just a normal seasonal flu outbreak.


  • 一份关于儿童成长调查显示这些睡眠问题多方面影响我们孩子健康成长包括学习成绩发育甚至免疫力

    And there is a growing body of research suggesting these problems are affecting many aspects of our children's health and development, including academic performance, growth and even immunity.


  • 尖锐湿疣的患者平常生活中应该坚持蜂蜜蜂王浆可以提高机体免疫力和抗病力,对于抵抗该病病毒一定作用

    Acuteness wet wart patients in the ordinary life should adhere to eat honey and royal jelly, which can improve the body's immunity and resistance to the disease has a certain role in the virus.


  • 调查发布于本周,90%被访问者疲劳记忆力减退易怒常见病免疫力低下等。

    The survey, released this week, said 90 percent of all those interviewed suffered from fatigue, memory loss, irritability, and weak immune systems against common diseases.


  • 调查发布于本周,90%被访问者疲劳记忆力减退易怒常见病免疫力低下等。

    The survey, released this week, said 90 percent of all those interviewed suffered from fatigue, memory loss, irritability, and weak immune systems against common diseases.


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