• 机器人许多行业中普遍存在,它们经常从事那些可能人类危险工作。

    Robots have become common in many industries, and are often given jobs that are considered dangerous to humans.


  • 爬山危险

    There is danger in climbing a high mountain.


  • 一个细节上自己的方式行事,才能使远离那些危险愤怒。

    He could only be kept from furies dangerous to himself by being given his own way in every detail.


  • 尽管特征说明蘑菇但它们一致的来历不明蘑菇应该认为是危险食物

    While there are signs that a mushroom is poisonous, they are not consistent, and all mushrooms of unknown origin should be considered dangerous to eat.


  • 曾告诫大家这些社会危险

    I warned that they were dangerous to society.


  • 老年人危险药物

    Dangerous drugs for the elderly.


  • 然而滑雪运动危险参与这些运动之前必须注意一点。

    There are dangers in snow sports, however, which must be taken notice of before one pursues the sport.


  • 乎不造成威胁,30%具潜在威胁,还5%很明显危险

    Potentially threatening, and 5% were clearly dangerous. The board.


  • 可是这种方式获得批准多个药品近来被证实无效甚至危险

    But several drugs approved this way have recently proved ineffective or even dangerous.


  • 普京可能认为外界普遍认为危险情况下去伊朗,可以让更显得

    Mr Putin may believe that by going to Iran in the face of a putative threat he looks strong.


  • 心里想不要惊慌经常凝视我并不意味着他会什么对我危险的事情。

    Don't panic, I thought. Just because he's stared at you for ages doesn't mean he's going to do anything.


  • N t$ |7 I8 r/ N7 G0 e: N这个世界汇率波动危险

    This world of greater exchange-rate volatility is dangerous.


  • 为了避免大赛后的悲剧发生,研究者建议那些危险粉丝做好心血管方面的治疗准备。

    To avoid post-Super Bowl catastrophe, the researchers recommend preventive cardiovascular therapy for those who are at risk.


  • 例如宾夕法尼亚州已经反对哈特菲尔德轮渡公司其他一些电厂排放物视作是危险

    For instance, Pennsylvania has opposed designating the waste from Hatfield's Ferry and other power plants as hazardous.


  • HTML符号 <替换 < 符号防止作者文档输入任何危险 HTML标记

    Replacing the < symbol with the HTML symbol < will prevent the author from entering any risky HTML tags into the document.


  • 大部分专家认为是的,危险反应堆中心温度至2,200摄氏度以下,即燃料熔点

    Most experts believe that it is, as the core temperature of the at-risk reactors has been reduced to below 2, 200c, the melting point of the fuel rods.


  • 桑德兰第一次真正危险进攻出现第十七分钟但是本特禁区边缘射门切尔西门将切赫轻松解围。

    Sunderland's first real attempt on goal arrived in the 13th minute but Bent's shot from the edge of the penalty area was easily saved by Petr Cech in the Chelsea goal.


  • 因为发育问题胎儿正常胎儿需要更长时间适应这些类型研究助于指出胎儿某些条件危险

    Since fetuses that have developmental problems take longer to habituate than normal fetuses, these types of studies may help indicate fetuses that are at risk for certain conditions.


  • 不过航天飞机项目前世今生说明了,置于太空探索的中心无论资金上还是从项目进度上都是危险

    However, the Shuttle program illustrates the dangers, both financial and programmatic, of making humans the central feature of our outer space endeavors.


  • 对于存在上述危险零件每个地区作业生成一个列表其中包括那个地区提供这些零件的供应商名称预计短缺的数量

    A list is generated for each region that identifies the endangered parts, the names of the suppliers in that region that supply them, and the size of the likely shortfall.


  • 第三邻居应该注意彼此安全,发现东西可疑人士,或是危险状况出现比如游乐场中的滑梯毁损时,都要告诉大家。

    Third, neighbors should watch out for each other's security by reporting suspicious people who may be trying to steal something and dangerous conditions such as a broken slide on the playground.


  • 何况,即使从坏的情况设想,危险可能他本人,总不能自己判处苦役牢,便可用理由认为权利判处珂赛特进修院。

    And then, to face the worst, there was danger only for himself,and he had no right to condemn Cosette to the cloister for the reason that he had been condemned to the galleys.


  • 如果事事过分谨小慎微,那结果难免适得其反危险

    There is a danger of overkill if you plan everything too carefully.


  • 老实说下次遇到潜在危险的情况时,知道自己如何反应

    I honestly don't know how I will react the next time I meet a potentially dangerous situation.


  • 我们公司危险

    Our little company's in danger.


  • 化学品爆炸后进入空气危险

    There is a risk that toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere.


  • 种在蔓延危险

    There is a pervading sense of menace.


  • 一个阶段甚至连生命处于危险之中。

    At one stage his very life was in danger.


  • 政策分裂联盟危险

    His policy risks fracturing the coalition.


  • 超重心脏病中风危险

    People who are overweight run a risk of a heart attack or stroke.


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