In a country with 700,000 unsold new homes, building-land right across Spain has plunged in value.
Nine years on the Segway has yet to sell as many units as the firm predicted for its first nine months.
The bookstore has written permission to return unsold textbooks to the publishers.
Banks and financing companies ended up with unpaid loans and unsold houses.
And the US has plenty of unsold homes to offer - 3.67 million as of the end of December, according to the National Association of Realtors.
Basically, we go on the Internet every day and we purchase huge volumes of unsold advertising space. We actually purchase 3 to 4 billion Spaces every day.
Unsold housing inventories cover just about five months of demand at the current pace of sales, indicating that more construction is needed.
Weakness in the housing market may be the trigger for positive inflation surprises as the high stock of unsold homes may push down rental prices.
At the same time, since January 1, 2001, sales of real estate business on June 30, 1998 and have not yet completed the sale of office, the income derived from business taxes.
Also, the corporate emphasis on freshness means unsold doughnuts are always thrown away (it would be "irresponsible" to give them away, says Denby, because they are "a treat and not a meal".)
When they have unsold inventory, they use us to fill it - so our customers can buy at substantial discounts.
New transparency rules for Banks, to clarify exposures to bad loans against building-land or unsold property, are in place.
This has worked; unsold housing is now equal to roughly nine months of demand, down from more than 14 months at the start of the year.
Although 1m homes remain unsold, construction still accounted for 10% of GDP in the first quarter of this year-twice its share in Britain.
Needless to say, Apple has yet to sell the most recent iPhone model in a color that's not black.
With respect to any realty already completed but not sold or not delivered to the realty buyer, the realty service fees shall be paid by the construction entity.
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