• 东风4C机车柴油机机体采用铸焊结构

    The engine block for DF 4C diesel locomotives uses cast welding structure.


  • 机车柴油机烧低十六烷值柴油具有很重要现实意义。

    The steam locomotive has been superseded by the diesel locomotive.


  • 机油光谱分析技术广泛用于内燃机车柴油机磨损状态监测

    Spectrographic oil analysis technology has been used in the condition monitoring of diesel engines.


  • 围绕柴油特性讨论机车柴油机上燃用难点对策

    The difficulty and countermeasures in diesel engine burning heavy fuel were discussed taking into account the characteristics of heavy fuel.


  • 本文首先柴油机车柴油机应用可行性意义加以论证

    The paper first demonstrate the feasibility and the significance of the applications of heavy oil in locomotive diesel engine.


  • 模型模拟计算柴油机负荷特性、速度特性牵引特性

    This model may be used to simulate the load-characteristics, the speed-characteristics and the tractive-characteristics of a locomotive diesel.


  • 本文对北京内燃机车柴油机系统非线性理论进行了研究。

    In this paper the theory of nonlinear vibration isolation of diesel engine system has been studied.


  • 技术满足机车柴油机功率调节范围负荷变化频繁要求

    This technology can meet the requirements of great scope of diesel engine power adjustment and frequent change of heat loading.


  • 为了优化性能,在大功率机车柴油机应用MIXPC涡轮增压系统

    The application of MIXPC turbocharger system to high power diesel engine can optimize its performances.


  • 研究利用铁谱技术进行机车柴油机磨合规范研究运行工况状态监测

    Ferrography is used in this research to develop the running-in standards and monitor the operation condition of locomotive diesel engines.


  • 东风7机车柴油机运用气缸盖裂纹情况进行统计裂纹原因进行了分析

    The statistics of cracks of cylinder heads during operation of diesel engines for DF 7 locomotives were conducted. The reasons of cracks were analyzed.


  • 寒冷气候条件下机车柴油机使用低标号柴油铁路节能降耗、提高经济效益有效途径。

    It is an efficacious method that inferior brand diesel oil is used on locomotive diesel engine in cold weather to economize energy sources and increase economic benefit.


  • 通过某大功率机车柴油机活塞部喷涂复合材料层后标定工况下装机进行磨合实验

    In this paper, a grinding experiment on a piston skirt profile coated with compound material in a high-power locomotive diesel engine is carried out under a rating condition.


  • 设计机车柴油机时,许多参数选择设定主要着眼于柴油机标定工况下的整机性能

    While designing the locomotive-type diesel engine, the selection and setting of many parameters emphasize on the whole performance of the engine with rated load.


  • 探讨了超声波技术运用机车柴油机钢顶铝活塞裙部裂损进行提前预防措施方法

    The precautionary measures to prevent skirt from fracturing, by means of ultrasonic flaw detection technology, are discussed.


  • 分析内燃车柴油机故障诊断技术现状此基础上提出开发柴油机诊断专家系统必要性

    This paper analyzes the diagnostic technologies of the diesel at present, and points out that it is necessary to develop an diagnostic expert system.


  • 铁路机车就是具有这一特点设备,所以开展机车柴油机故障诊断具有积极的现实意义经济效益

    Railway locomotives have such kinds of characteristics. It is therefore full of practical significance and economic benefits to do fault diagnosis of locomotive diesel engines.


  • 国产机车柴油机运用特点出发,根据国外的成功经验对调车用机车柴油机供油系统进行改进。

    Based on application feature of domestic locomotive diesel engine and successful foreign experience, the fuel supply system in shunter diesel engine was updated.


  • 阐述实验室比对意义,并机车柴油机燃油消耗率作为比对参数,说明实验室间比对实施过程

    Taking specific fuel oil consumption of locomotive engine as a comparative parameters, the implementation procedure of the contrast between laboratories was described.


  • 本文机车柴油机顶铝裙组合活塞对象,建立组合活塞钢顶铝裙连接螺栓-活塞销四体接触计算模型

    This paper introduced a four-body contact model of steel crown-the nodular cast-iron skirt-piston pin-connecting bolt for the steel-crown aluminum-skirt composite piston of locomotive diesel engines.


  • 通过机车柴油机超压现象的原因分析,得出导致柴油机超压的原因有:活塞顶裂纹、活塞气环折断气缸磨损

    The cause of over-pressure in Diesel Engine includes fracture on piston, fracture of piston rings and cylinder wear.


  • 通过目前我国气缸几种加工技术对比,论述了“蜂窝状点坑节能气缸套在内燃机车柴油机应用可行性

    The feasibility of application of "honeycomb pit" energy conservation cylinder liner is analysed based on comparing several kinds of manufacturing technics for cylinder liner at present.


  • 本文进行实机模拟试验,结果表明采用相继增压技术后将大幅降低机车柴油机燃油消耗率节油效果非常明显

    The paper also conducted a simulating experiment, displaying that the fuel consumption rate decreases largely after turbocharged, the saving in fuel is extraordinary obvious.


  • 本文相继增压技术进行了较深入分析提出此项技术改进机车柴油机部分负荷性能行之有效比较理想技术措施。

    This paper analyses deeply about the discipline of sequential turbocharging, puts forward that this technique is more ideal in improving the performances of diesel locomotive with part load.


  • 为此,本文针对机车工作环境实际情况提出了采用机车柴油机冷却水作为热源加热燃油,从而控制燃油粘度方案

    The paper bring forward the scheme of calefaction to heavy oil by the cooling water of diesel engine according to the actual condition of locomotive, so that the viscosity be controlled.


  • 目前,对改善机车柴油机部分负荷性能我国铁路部门能给予足够重视虽然采取一些措施效果不太理想

    Now the problem of performances with part load has not aroused the enough recognition in our country. Although some measures had been applied, the outcome is far from ideal.


  • 本文采用的研究手段,形成研究方法,取得的研究结果具有一定的普适性,能够适用船用汽车机车柴油机台架磨合

    The studying means, studying method and studying achievement are universal applicable to running-in study of Marine engine, automotive engine and locomotive engine.


  • 大众这个公司去年美国销售了30,000辆柴油车—表示如果没有估计错市场增长需求的话,他们意欲一销售额扩大到两倍

    Volkswagen, which sold about 30,000 diesels in America last year, says it could have flogged twice that number if it had anticipated the rise in demand.


  • 柴油机车相比运行成本只有5%,电动车很快成为一个看上去可行选择

    And with running costs as little as 5% those of diesel models, electric cars will soon start to look like a more viable option.


  • 柴油机车相比运行成本只有5%,电动车很快成为一个看上去可行选择

    And with running costs as little as 5% those of diesel models, electric cars will soon start to look like a more viable option.


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