• 他们隔壁聚会我们整夜都听见有人来来往往声音。

    They had a party next door—we heard people coming and going all night.


  • 我们听到汽车来来往往嘈杂声。

    We can hear the noises of the traffic coming and going.


  • 大街来来往往红男绿女

    This is the street coming and going of Guys and Dolls.


  • 只小猫坐在草地上,看着来来往往车辆

    Two cats sitting in the grass, watching the cars passing by.


  • 这种噪声真是怕人,日夜都听到这种来来往往车辆声。

    When you look at the people coming and going, you can feel the vitality of the city.


  • 来来往往的旅游者民俗经济做了贡献使得这些民俗得以保存

    Tourists come and contribute to a folk economy that keeps these customs alive.


  • 金色闪烁来来往往车流之上,石拱显得生动起来。

    Flashing in the golden light of the traffic coming and going on, so that seems Stone Arch bridge to life.


  • 几百年来游客一如既往地边用午餐看着河湾来来往往的航船。

    Visitors can have lunch while watching boats criss-cross the creek as they have done for hundreds of years.


  • 双方球拍拍打毽子使它来来往往越过前,这种游戏就是羽毛球

    When the shuttlecock was hit to and fro with a racket across a net, thegame was badminton.


  • 他们并肩站在最底层的台阶上凝视彼此忘记周围来来往往的行人。

    They stood together on the bottom step and stared at each other, surrounded by oblivious strangers.


  • 火焰中看到来来往往,他听到说话声就好象来自深渊一样。

    He beheld men going and coming as through a flame. He heard voices speaking as at the bottom of an abyss.


  • 许多邦德女士教堂律师的电子邮件记录来来往往的一个个回合

    Dozens of E-mail messages between Ms. Bond and church lawyers document the back-and-forth.


  • 海面那么海水那么天上海鸥飞翔水上来来往往的许多船只

    So wide, the sea waters so blue, the sky the seagulls fly, water has many ships come and go.


  • 也许是这里闹市,来来往往汽车轰鸣声蝴蝶愿意短暂停留

    Perhaps here is busy, the roar of cars coming and going, so that butterflies do not want to make a short stay.


  • 区别在于:似乎行人很稀少,一条路则留着人们来来往往的足迹

    The distinction between two roads is: one road seems few foot traveler, but other one still left the footprint of foot traveler.


  • 年后我们搬进了座可以俯瞰海港的房屋在这里壮观景色莫过于来来往往渔船队。

    Then for another year or two, we had a house over- looking the harbour where the one great sight was the going and coming of the fishing fleet.


  • 现在国庆节许多小店打折为的是国庆马路来来往往车辆很多

    Now go to the National Day, there are many small shops are on sale, in order to celebrate National Day, there are many comings and goings of vehicle on the road.


  • 作为英国的流行乐队组合,过去10年中,“甜心宝贝成员已经来来往往的好几拨

    As a pop group that has seen members come and go over the past decade, Sugababes has gained a reputation for its revolving-door line-up.


  • 守望三亚地区的一方水土、大海一艘艘来来往往船只、以及这一往情深的大海。

    The male dragon keeps watch at the land and waters surrounding Sanya, including each coming and going ship or boat on the sea with great affection.


  • 就像一个害怕陌生孩子大街上看着来来往往陌生人那种恐惧体会

    Like a fear of 'strangers' children, were dumped in the streets, watching the coming and going of strangers, the kind of fear, who can understand?


  • 可以个窗口看到阳光围栏但是其他窗口看到保留邻居清晨来来往往电子小径

    Sunlight and a fence are visible through one, but through others she sees electronic trails that have been kept for her of neighbors coming and going during the early morning.


  • 向往人类陪伴,于是获得了很多。它遇到无数来来往往仍然时常返回常驻海湾项目组

    He wanted human companionship and he had it, coming and going as he pleased but always returning to the project team, who took up residence in a house in the fjord.


  • 十字路口地区那么来来往往横流中,不仅在实际意义上是中国心脏情感上来讲也是要津

    Standing in the crosscurrents of so many comings and goings, the Crossroads functions not only as China's physical heart but as its emotional heartland as well.


  • 至少来来往往流行歌手真人秀明星我们解闷因为过半的人认为明星将会成为一个注册职业

    But at least we can distract ourselves with the daily comings and goings of pop singers and reality stars, as more than half think that celebrity will be a registered profession.


  • 从未他们也会一点交集坐在公车里,看着窗外来来往往过客感触至深还是他们群人

    Never thought of and they will have some common ground, can sit inside the bus, looking out the window come and go in passing, let me or them profound feelings of these people.


  • 步行时候,站在街角扫视来来往往的路人,突然又仓鼠游戏中的玩家一样,敏捷的滑向正迅速移动的服装

    On foot, he camps out on street corners to assess passing pedestrians, swaying toward passing dresses like someone keyed up for a game of Whac-A-Mole.


  • 是的,没错冷藏自动售货里,打包螃蟹整整齐齐地摆放在塑料箱子里等待来来往往的上班族光临。

    That's right. Crabs are caught, packed in plastic boxes, and kept alive in refrigerated vending machines, awaiting the pleasure of passing commuters in Nanjing.


  • 莎喜欢这里喧闹,喜欢珠光宝气人们身上闪光,喜欢那些穿梭般来来往往忙碌招待员,还喜欢电灯的强光。

    Bertha was amused by the bustle, the glitter of women in diamonds, the busy waiters gliding to and fro, the glare of the electric light.


  • 莎喜欢这里喧闹,喜欢珠光宝气人们身上闪光,喜欢那些穿梭般来来往往忙碌招待员,还喜欢电灯的强光。

    Bertha was amused by the bustle, the glitter of women in diamonds, the busy waiters gliding to and fro, the glare of the electric light.


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