The pectic substances can be classed protopectins, pectins and pectin acids.
It was also found recently that the pectate lyase could be used for the purification of plant virus, bleaching of paper pulp and the bio-refining of textiles etc.
Gargle and clean your teeth after eating persimmon lest the tannic acid, pectin and sugar damage your teeth.
用从苹果中提取的蛋白和果胶,加入绿原酸和儿茶素, 组成模拟体系;
Simulated system was made by adding chlorogenic acid and catechin to both protein and pectin extracted from apple.
The experiments are designated to study the hydrolyzing condition of extracting pectin from pomelo peel.
The coagulated protein absorbed some pectin substances mainly through acidic amino acids by hydrogen bond.
Extration of Pectin by protopectinase could be used to reduce the shortcomings in current industry processing of pectin production as well as to stabilize the pectin with high quality.
The application of different levels of propylene glycol alginate (PGA), pectin and denatured starch as the stabilizer blends in stirred yoghurt was studied in this paper.
Methods the Soxhlet extractor method was adopted for the extraction of pigments, and acid extraction and ethanol precipitation method was used for the preparation of pectin.
The technology for extracting LM-pectin from potato scrap was that the potato scrap was extracted by dilute acid, degreased and precipitated by alcohol.
试验结果表明,污染膜表面凝胶层含果胶37.4 3% ,纤维素3.91% ,半纤维素0 .95 % ,同时还含有大量低分子糖类和有机酸。
The membrane deposit was found to be composed of pectin 37.43%, cellulose 3.91% , hemicellulose 0.95%, and a large amount of sugars and organic acids.
Other Ingredients: organic evaporated cane juice, organic tapioca syrup, pectin, citric acid, natural flavor (tangerine), natural color (annatto), and sodium citrate.
Other Ingredients: organic evaporated cane juice, organic tapioca syrup, pectin, citric acid, natural flavor (tangerine), natural color (annatto), and sodium citrate.