• 学生们申请学院入学许可。

    Students apply for admission to a particular college.


  • 伦敦住宅区的一高楼

    She lives in a tower block on an estate in London.


  • 报举办竞赛中得了奖。

    She won a competition in some newspaper or other.


  • 拥有法国农场的一部分

    He is part owner of a farm in France.


  • 虽然这辆汽车基本状况完好,但担心几个部分

    Although the car is basically sound, I was worried about certain areas.


  • 我们不想那种纯粹只宣传书籍电影兴趣的节目

    We did not want people on the show who are purely interested in plugging a book or film.


  • 艺术课部分内容

    Listen to part of a lecture in a studio art class.


  • 如果喜欢条铁路,你不能离开另一条

    If you don't like a particular railway, you can't go and use another.


  • 一家杂志拒绝研究论文可能另一家杂志接受

    A research paper rejected by one journal may get accepted by another.


  • 汽车制造商打算未来几个通过大幅降价增加市场份额

    A certain automaker aims to increase its market share by deeply discounting its vehicles' prices for the next several months.


  • 第一特定情节要求玩家匆匆穿过后院最后

    One particular sequence in the first level has players scurry through backyards and finally climb into a tree house.


  • 实验室一起工作研究人员他们研究结果提交刊物

    A team of researchers working together in the laboratory would submit the results of their research to a journal.


  • 往上溯到大船渡,港口拖船停泊公里户人家的后院

    Further up the coast in Ofunato, the port's tugboat still sits in someone's backyard about a kilometer from the water.


  • 看到时,我被住了,所以我会留出空间等待张牌恰好出现

    I get down to a certain card and I am stumped, so I will leave a space waiting for that card to appear on cue.


  • 人们选择这些象征物纳入微型作品中,通常为了传达父母孩子期望

    The attributes chosen to be included in a particular miniature was often meant to communicate parents' hopes and dreams for their child.


  • 一味遵循条特定人生道路走,背后糟糕原因之一就是别人希望这样做。

    One of the worst reasons to follow a particular path in life is that other people want you to.


  • 现在我们可以看到DNA看到铅笔写字的地方程度上一个全新世界

    Now that we're actually able to look at the DNA and see where the pencil writings are, it's sort of a whole new world.


  • 热带岛屿收到了奶粉形式分发贫困居民食品捐赠,这些居民认为营养不良。

    A certain tropical island received food donations in the form of powdered milk for distribution to its poorest residents, who were thought to be malnourished.


  • 如果标注段时期,你必须借助有形事物就像陶器尤其是彩绘陶器,因为它们容易分类

    If you want to designate a period, you have to look at tangible things like pottery, particularly painted pottery, because it's easier to categorize.


  • 辆汽车伦敦街道起飞降落另一条随机的街道上不太可能发生的。”一流航空工程师格雷教授这样说

    "A car that takes off from some London street and lands in another random street is unlikely to happen," says Prof Gray, a leading aeronautical engineer.


  • 许多外国学生不仅美国大学学术项目吸引而且还被更大社区所吸引,他们提供了了解周围文化的机会。

    Many foreign students are attracted not only to the academic programs at a particular US college but also to the larger community, which affords the chance to soak up the surrounding culture.


  • 正如苹果公司几位安全专家主张的,强迫苹果公司编写软件联邦调查局访问 iPhone指令,树立起一个令人不安的先例。

    As Apple and several security experts have argued, an order compelling Apple to write software that gives the FBI access to the iPhone in question would establish an unsettling precedent.


  • 假设公园里相遇。

    Let's pretend A meets B in the park.


  • 客户分钟付费,固定费用无限上网

    Clients are not charged by the minute but given unmetered access to the Internet for a fixed fee.


  • 事实上不再男了,我们一张身份证件。

    In fact he's not John Doe anymore, we have an ID.


  • 写求职信务必开头说明申请职务因为

    Always say at the start of an application that you're applying for such-and-such a job because...


  • 很生气,因为冉在她坐过站后拒绝停车。

    Liu was angry because Ran refused to stop the bus after she missed her station.


  • 频显示,在冉驾驶公交车时,刘两次用手机打了她。

    The video shows that Liu hit Ran with her mobile phone twice while Ran was driving the bus.


  • 频显示,在冉驾驶公交车时,刘两次用手机打了她。

    The video shows that Liu hit Ran with her mobile phone twice while Ran was driving the bus.


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