• 这些公共汽车使用的是柴油

    The buses run on diesel.


  • 听说现在柴油以往

    I keep hearing that diesels are better now than ever before.


  • 喝了一杯柴油

    I drank a cup of tea that tasted of diesel.


  • 无铅汽油柴油便宜

    Unleaded is cheaper than diesel.


  • 我们新车柴油

    Our new car is a diesel.


  • 柴油代替汽油灌入油箱造成发动机失灵

    She put diesel fuel, instead of petrol, into the tank causing the motor to seize up.


  • 一股股柴油阀门喷涌而出,但一个没有

    A spurt of diesel came from one valve and none from the other.


  • 轮船2燃气涡轮机4柴油驱动

    The new ship will be powered by two gas turbines and four diesel engines.


  • 天空由于充满柴油浓烟煤灰而如此几乎看不见

    The air is so black with diesel fumes and coal dust, I can barely see.


  • 乙醇具有腐蚀性能源汽油柴油

    Ethanol is corrosive and has less energy per litre than petrol and diesel.


  • 许多欧洲国家近年来随着柴油日益普遍这一数字达到了好几万人。

    In many European countries, where diesel vehicles have become more common in recent years, that number reaches tens of thousands.


  • 交通成为空气污染代名词许多国家打算未来20年内禁止销售新的汽油柴油

    Traffic has become synonymous with air pollution, and many countries intend to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars in the next two decades.


  • 建议在后灾害状况下首先附加电池太阳能系统承担本应由柴油发电机完成的许多工作

    His proposal is to start by using solar systems with associated batteries to do much of the work that diesel generators do in post-calamity situations.


  • 设计柴油发动机时技术专家可能会通过持续使用正确合适直觉来给机器留下非语言思维方式的印象。

    In designing a diesel engine, a technologist might impress individual ways of nonverbal thinking on the machine by continually using an intuitive sense of rightness and fitness.


  • 下楼越过背包扔进老旧白色柴油梅赛德斯里,然后看见:一个巨大闪闪发光的彩旗贴纸

    I ran downstairs ahead of him to throw my backpack in his old white diesel Mercedes, and there it was: a big, glittery rainbow flag sticker.


  • 很多欧洲国家正在转向使用电动汽车德国刚刚宣布计划 2030 年时禁止出售汽油柴油作为燃料车辆

    Many European countries have been making the shift to electric vehicles and Germany has just stated that they plan to ban the sale of vehicles using gasoline and diesel as fuel by 2030.


  • 了达到这个速度,“飞车”主要使用柴油燃料飞行。

    To reach that speed, Speeder mainly uses diesel fuel to fly.


  • 柴油价格更高石油柴油美国销售价格57美分,不含分销成本税金因此应该获利空间

    Diesel will cost more, but petroleum-based diesel sells in America for 57 cents a litre before distribution costs and tax, so there should be room for profit.


  • 1984年,巴西开设了个研究站,2012年的一场大火中,该研究站基本上烧毁海军人员在大火中丧生同年,一艘满载柴油巴西驳船基地附近沉没

    Brazil opened a research station in 1984, but it was largely destroyed by a fire that killed two members of the navy in 2012, the same year that a diesel-laden Brazilian barge sank near the base.


  • 常规柴油不同,船用柴油包含一些燃料油

    Marine diesel oil contains some heavy fuel oil, unlike regular diesels.


  • 它不挥发刺激汽油柴油理想清洁替代品

    Non conflagate and less insitation, it is an ideal substitute for gasoline and diesel oil using for cleaning.


  • 足够空气发现混合可以渗透周围节流阀通过怠速系统维持柴油

    Enough air-found mixture can seep around the throttle value and through the idle system to maintain the dieseling.


  • 我们试着柴油带动水泵

    We experimented with diesel engines to drive the pumps.


  • 文章建立离子色谱法测定生物柴油中的甲酸、乙酸方法

    The paper introduced the method of determining the methanoic acid, ethanoic acid and propanoic acid in bio-diesels via ion chromatography.


  • 我们已经转而生产柴油了。

    Our factory has turned over to the making of diesel engines.


  • 这种手扶拖拉机柴油运转。

    This kind of walking tractor runs on diesel oil.


  • 更多信息柴油发动机工作原理

    See How Diesel Engines Work for more information.


  • 他们这个房间里操作柴油发电机

    They operate diesel engines in this room.


  • 这种烷烃柴油主要成分

    Such alkanes are the main ingredients of diesel fuel.


  • 这种烷烃柴油主要成分

    Such alkanes are the main ingredients of diesel fuel.


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