It reports sub-standard products to the public prosecutor and health authorities.
While all of these indicators might perform better in the second half of 2008 than in the first, they are likely to remain in contraction or register subpar growth.
Add the following people assignment criteria definition element to the file copied.
At the end of the Transition phase, the project is evaluated against the following criterion: the method has been distributed to the practitioner community, and the practitioners are satisfied.
Edit the root dispatcher template that delegates the transformation of the people assignment criteria to the specified template to add the following mapping as shown in Listing 3.
The following table compares the three different approaches that we have described against the different criteria.
Lotus Quickr includes the following components with a standard installation: team blog, feed reader, announcements, wiki, library, project tasks, and contacts.
This article categorizes the various legacy systems that can potentially be found in an organization based on the following criteria.
The SimpleLinearRegression procedure is used to fit a straight line to the data in which the straight line has the following standard form.
这个文件是一个标准的php . ini文件,必须包含以下条目:name、description、core和php。
The file is a standard PHP.ini file and must contain entries for name, description, core, and PHP.
Some of those might be terrific, but if we had nothing else to go on, we'd look for alcohol content at about 14% and below.
At the end of the Construction phase, the project is evaluated against the following criterion: the method is stable and mature enough to be deployed in the practitioner community.
You can chose from a number of different standards and methods to specify the grammar rules: One is based on a text format, the other an XML specification.
Although there is no standard list of modules, all distributions include most of the following options.
The executive summary states the need and purpose of the standard.
In Japan and South Korea it now takes between five and ten minutes to download a film in standard definition.
But the policy has almost certainly reduced fertility below the level to which it would have fallen anyway.
Two-thirds of the world's people are still living under low standards, and because of that they do not yet constitute a viable market.
Pennsylvania offers free coverage to families who earn up to twice the official poverty rate.
It incorporates IBM's implementation of the SCA standard, which is called SCA runtime hereafter.
The proportion of underweight children in Bangladesh (41.3 percent) is lower than in India (43.5), and its fertility rate (2.3) is also lower than India’s (2.7).
The CRC reflects the international consensus on standards for ensuring the overall well-being of all children and young people up to the age of 18 years.
Of the global population, 65% live in countries where being overweight kills more people than being underweight.
In the past, having AIDS was defined as having HIV infection and getting one of these additional diseases.
Penalty of between one thousand yuan and ten thousand yuan for failure to pay fees for exceeding pollutant discharge standards in accordance with state provisions.
Here are some things to consider when setting performance criteria.
Luckily, you can easily change the widgets as long as they are the standard Dojo widgets at the Dojo Web site.
This is because in the past decade many countries have unilaterally cut tariffs to well below those limits. They have plenty of room to raise them without breaking any rules.
At the end of the Transition phase, the Product Release Milestone evaluates the project against the following criteria.