The concept of using a brief but comprehensive checklist is surprisingly new to us in surgery.
Prepare balance sheet record and identify and reconcile all items therein.
Enforce Marriott's 39-point sanitation checklist by having all outlets inspected on a monthly basis.
The verification shall be made by means of the Verification Forms of Indirect Declarations of International Revenue and Expenditure Statistics.
Throughout this article, we will check the performances of this new chipset compared with its predecessor…
Following the meeting, a guide and checklist were produced for cities to use to assess their "age friendliness".
Data was collected from 7688 patients - 3733 before and 3955 after the checklist was introduced.
This article proposes the risk recognition feature-factor modeling technology, which is set up on the basis of checklist and flow chart.
But in specialties ranging from cardiac care to paediatric care, they could become as essential in daily medicine as the stethoscope.
表1是一个核对表示例,当开发者测试一个将被 SLA 保证的服务时,他应该考虑这个表。
Table 1 is a checklist example that a developer should consider when testing a service that will be covered by a SLA
Use of the checklist in pilot sites has increased the rate of adherence to these standards from 36% to 68% and in some hospitals to almost 100%.
The content is presented as a practical and concise 16-step practical checklist to guide the selection and procurement of safe and effective medicines meeting international quality standards.
“These findings have implications beyond surgery, suggesting that checklists could increase the safety and reliability of care in numerous medical fields,” Dr Gawande said.
Preliminary results from a thousand patients in eight pilot sites worldwide indicate that the checklist has nearly doubled the likelihood that patients will receive proven standards of surgical care.
A series of NQCP's including inspection checklists define the activities associated with the performance of inspection at source, receipt, in-process, final assembly and packing inspection within BPS.
The check list shall address the practical and technical adequacy of the procedures prepared by the candidate, and when applicable, the adequacy of the interpretation and evaluation of indications.
The check list shall address the practical and technical adequacy of the procedures prepared by the candidate, and when applicable, the adequacy of the interpretation and evaluation of indications.