• 严经如果毁灭了,佛法就毁灭了。

    If the Shurangama Sutra is destroyed, then the Buddhadharma will also become extinct.


  • 那么知道虚老一生之中,对《楞严特别重视的。

    I know that, throughout his whole life, the Elder Hsu regarded the Shurangama Sutra as being especially important.


  • 一部《严经》在世时候,天魔外道不敢出现

    As long as the Shurangama Sutra exists in this world, the demons from the heavens and the externalists will be afraid to show themselves.


  • 严经真身,是佛的舍利,任何人破坏不了

    The Shurangama Sutra is the Buddha's "true body" and the Buddha's sharira; no one can destroy it.


  • 实在好,欢喜中文不要放过这个机会

    Those of you who like to study Chinese should not pass up the opportunity to study this superb text.


  • 如果楞严经愿意堕地狱,受无间的痛苦

    If the Shurangama Sutra is inauthentic, then I vow to fall into the Hell of Pulling Tongues to undergo uninterrupted suffering.


  • 这个各位应该知道,这个《严经佛教里多么重要的。

    From this, you should all realize how important the Shurangama Sutra is in Buddhism.


  • 哪一位能读诵,把《严经得出来,那真正弟子

    Anyone who can memorize the Shurangama Sutra is a true disciple of the Buddha.


  • 严经》,没有办法应付楞严经》这个道理。

    This is all because they fear the Shurangama Sutra and have no way to deal with the principles in the Shurangama Sutra.


  • 不但在家人这样诽谤《严经的,就是出家人也如是云云。

    Not only do laypeople slander the Shurangama Sutra as false, even left-home people perpetuate the rumor.


  • 所以不单愿意,我希望每一个人都把它研究明白了,尤其是严经》。

    Not only do I want to talk about them, but I also hope everyone here will study and understand them, especially the Shurangama Sutra.


  • 所以若想世界就赶快念〈〉、楞严经》,就是正法住世。

    And so if you want to keep the world from being destroyed quickly learn the Shurangama Mantra and read the Shurangama Sutra to keep the Proper Dharma in the world.


  • 严经》这一部整个佛教一部代表没有楞严经没有佛教。

    The Shurangama Sutra is a Sutra that represents the whole of Buddhism. If the Shurangama Sutra didn't exist, there wouldn't be any Buddhism.


  • 所以我绝对相信严经真的,是正确,是降伏天魔、制诸外道的一部

    That is because the phrases in the Shurangama Mantra serve to subdue demons from the heavens and control externalists.


  • 你就个念,来说《将来阿鼻地狱一个

    Just by having that one thought of saying that the Shurangama Sutra is false, you are sowing the cause for falling into the Avici Hell forever and never coming out.


  • 愿意这个《》,因为两部,既智慧又能成佛

    I'm very willing to lecture on the the Shurangama Sutra and the Dharma Flower Sutra, because these two Sutras can develop people's wisdom and lead them to Buddhahood.


  • 一般学者:《的,不是佛说什么考证有什么地方记载

    Most scholars say the Shurangama Sutra is false and claim that it was not spoken by the Buddha. They say they have various pieces of evidence and documents to support it.


  • 以前有这么一个心愿,要把《得出来,再能把《严经》也背得出来。

    In the past, I had a wish: I wanted to be able to recite the Dharma Flower Sutra and the Shurangama Sutra from memory.


  • 凡是研究中国文学的人,《必读之书,因为文辞优美,义理丰富,是一部理想典。

    Anyone who studies Chinese literature simply must read the Shurangama Sutra. The literary quality of this Sutra is excellent, and its meanings are profound; it is the most perfect Sutra.


  • 中国传统观念是五官各司其职,大乘佛教主张六根互用”,《楞严经对此身体哲学发挥。

    Prior to the Tang Dynasty, classics of Mahayana advocate the communication of six senses and Shurangrma Sutra elaborates a lot on this body philosophy.


  • 我们佛教徒应该认识真理,《严经所讲道理典,没有一个字不是真理的。

    As Buddhist disciples, we should recognize true principle. Every word of the doctrines in the Shurangama Sutra is the absolute truth. There isn't one word which does not express the truth.


  • 今天(农历十一月十七)阿弥陀佛圣诞诸佛一个誓愿,发什么誓愿呢?我所发愿,是关于真伪的问题。

    Today (the seventeenth day of the eleventh lunar month) is Amitabha Buddha's birthday. I shall now make a vow regarding the Shurangama Sutra 's authenticity before the Buddhas of the ten directions.


  • 那么,在看到《严经以前虽然了解戒律我们修行重要一部分,可是我并没有了解到,是扮演了这么重要的一个角色

    Before coming across the Shurangama Sutra, although I was aware that precepts were a part of the Path, I didn't know that they played such a vital role.


  • 我们各位应该想一想些个冒充佛学专家,或者一些个自命学者的,或者某一个大学里头的教授为什么他们要倡议这个《严经》是的?

    All of us should stop for a moment and think, "Why do these fake Buddhist experts, self-proclaimed scholars, and college professors say that the Shurangama Sutra is false?"


  • 我们各位应该想一想些个冒充佛学专家,或者一些个自命学者的,或者某一个大学里头的教授为什么他们要倡议这个《严经》是的?

    All of us should stop for a moment and think, "Why do these fake Buddhist experts, self-proclaimed scholars, and college professors say that the Shurangama Sutra is false?"


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