The SNB also cautiously revised up their growth forecasts and inflation projections, causing to EURCHF end down on the day at 1.5160.
The slide in global shares came as oil approached $100 a barrel – though it fell back sharply – and the dollar set a record low of $1.4856 against the euro and $1.1025 against the Swiss franc.
It also hit record lows against the euro and the Swiss franc.
Their Banks are most exposed to Hungarian borrowers (thanks to eager lending in euros and Swiss francs).
The euro may yet make further ground as a reserve currency-at the expense of the smaller European currencies, the pound and the Swiss franc, if not the dollar.
A third change is that more aid has been given to western Banks that face souring loans, typically to clients in Hungary and the Baltic states who borrowed in euros or Swiss francs.
Switzerland, for example, has intervened massively to keep the franc from getting too strong against the euro.
The Swiss franc, the only European franc not to have been replaced by the Euro, is used in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
The national bank vowed to intervene in the currency markets in order to prevent the Swiss franc from appreciating further against the euro.
In addition, it entered into a swap agreement with the Swiss National bank to facilitate the distribution of Swiss franc liquidity to euro area Banks.
Meanwhile, the Swiss franc - another popular haven currency - weakened against the euro.
Rumors of a peg to the euro have dissuaded investors from purchasing francs recently.
On the OECD's calculations of purchasing-power parity (a measure that adjusts for relative prices), the franc is 42% overvalued against the euro and 44% against the dollar.
The Swiss franc has appreciated by almost 8% against the euro this year.
Instead it has appreciated against most major currencies (though not the Swiss franc).
这个地区借了16 000亿美元、欧元和瑞士法郎。
The region has borrowed $1.6 trillion in dollars, euros, and Swiss francs.
But the 9.8 billion Swiss franc (7.0 billion euro) tunnel is also the fruit of a popular wave of concern about pollution in the Alps with booming road traffic transiting from neighboring countries.
Currently five currencies - the dollar, the euro, the yen, sterling and the Swiss franc act as reserve currencies.
The Swiss franc reached an all-time high against the euro and yields on ten-year German Bunds dropped to an eight-month low of 2.6%.
Against the Swiss franc and the Australian dollar the euro has hit all-time lows in the past month and just last week sank to a record low against the Swedish krona.
Switzerland is moving to protect its exporters hurt by Europe's financial crisis, putting a cap on the franc's exchange rate against the euro.
The European currencies are faring well and the strongest are the euro, Swiss franc and Norwegian krona.
IF the euro, say, rises by 0.2% against the dollar, yen or Swiss franc one day and falls by almost as much the next, no one pays much attention.
However, we would buy it against the emerging currencies and Australia but not the euro or the Swiss franc.
The Swiss franc is a very strong currency and it has traded sideways to higher during the past week as the euro has declined sharply.
The euro reached a record low against the Swiss franc on concerns about Europe's economy, while the yen, seen as a safe-haven, jumped to a 15-year high against the dollar.
However, in recent weeks it is diverging from the Swiss franc and to a lesser extent the Swedish and Norwegian krona. This is due to the growing fears about the survival of the single currency.
However, in recent weeks it is diverging from the Swiss franc and to a lesser extent the Swedish and Norwegian krona. This is due to the growing fears about the survival of the single currency.