The "Elements" (of Euclides Geometry) spreads the knowledge of plane geometry in China.
Geometry describes locations on a flat (i.e. Euclidean) plane, and can be used to determine information such as the shape and area of a polygon.
The melancholy of it! As if old Euclid had stood up on his hind legs and swallowed prussic acid.
76岁的陶乐希·理查德森(Dorothy Richardson)家住俄亥俄州克利夫兰城郊的欧几里得镇。
In JUNE 76-year-old Dorothy Richardson of Euclid, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, discovered a fawn nestled in her garden.
In this article we discuss some questions with respect to number theory in the works of Euclid and diophantus.
There are two main types of wormholes: Lorentzian wormholes and Euclidean wormholes.
A progressive representation model for street networks of vector data was presented based on the theory of plane Euclidean graph and abstract complex cell.
Under the tutelage of Cosmas, John made such rapid progress that, in the enthusiastic language of his biographer, he soon equalled Diophantus in algebra and Euclid in geometry.
Introduces color feature extraction and matching algorithms in content-based image retrieval, such as weighted Euclidean-distance, weighted centre distance, histogram intersection algorithm, etc.
It is revealed that the paradox solution in Euclidean space is just a solution in symplectic space in the Jordan form which can easily be obtained by conventional mathematical means.
And we learned how to prove the Pythagorean Theorem in Euclidean geometry, starting with the various axioms in Euclidean geometry, ba, ba-ba, ba-ba, ba-ba, ba bum.
It has been proved that the nature of independence exists in the axiomatic system of Group, Euclidean space, distance space and topological space.
As the gene expression data owns the characteristics of nonlinear and high noise, normal Euclidean distance can not represent the similarity measurement between genes.
Context: Euclid's proof of the Pythagorean theorem made use of the previous proven theorem known as Proposition 41.
In addition, he wrote a brilliant synopsis of Euclid's twelve-volume systematic treatment of geometry.
An analytical method to find correspondence matrix for basic vector transformation is given by using elementary theory of numbers.
This paper briefly introduces two classes of methods for molecular 3D structure comparison, one is based on Euclidean distances, and another is based on relativity of properties.
The application of areas, which is an important method in Euclid's Elements, involves the origin of Greek mathematics.
生活在公元前540年左右的毕达哥拉斯,便提出了闻名于世的关于直角三角形各边的 勾股定理 。古代最知名的几何学家欧几里得生活在公元前300年左右。
Pythagoras, who is remembered for his theorem about the sides of a right-angled triangle, lived around 540 BC, while Euclid, the best known geometer of the ancient world, lived around 300 BC.
The algorithm is based on a modification of Euclids algorithm.
The algorithm is based on a modification of Euclids algorithm.