So the quarterly backup will likely not be available when you might need to restore it in the future.
The logical logs could be still backed up by the ALARMPROGRAM while the special quarterly Level-0-Backup is running.
Ensure that you have enough logical log space configured to prevent a log full condition during your quarterly backup.
SR Technics aims to fix exchange rates on a quarterly basis and tries to balance receivable currency by paying in the same currency, thereby reducing the need to buy other currencies.
However, you need to understand that IBM Cognos Controller stores information as a year-to-date and needs to be broken down into its monthly amount or even quarterly.
Your gas bills should give a figure for your usage each quarter - but remember you use very little in the summer months, so you'll need to add up the total across all four quarters.
Lloyds Banking Group said it had made a quarterly pre-tax profit, the first time the British bank has returned to the black since its bail-out and takeover of HBOS.
Another is that the performance of Greece under the EU-IMF programme has been so poor that every quarterly assessment to approve the next tranche of loans becomes a cliff-hanger.
They pretended to exit their options-trading strategy and shift into Treasuries before the end of each quarter.
We track revenue, cost, and gross profit metrics against monthly, quarterly, and yearly targets and show them side by side with the carbon footprint data.
The lesson applies to company executives as well as fund managers; think of all those firms that made a habit of beating profits estimates by a penny every quarter.
Additionally, prediction models can take into account cyclical patterns, such as a seven day weekly cycle or a quarterly cumulative sales trend.
现在每季度做的0级备份将被重新从管理类MC 365绑定到MC31。
Now the quarterly Level-0-backup will be re-bound from management class MC365 to MC31.
和任何软件产品一样,DB 2并不是完美的,而且IBM几乎每季度都会发行修订包,以设法改善软件的可靠性。
Like any software product, DB2 is not perfect and IBM constantly tries to improve the reliability of software with releases of fix packs nearly every quarter.
We track revenue, cost, and gross profit metrics against monthly, quarterly and yearly targets and show them side by side with the carbon footprint data.
OS level fixes can be planned and should exist as part of the annualized project plan, at least once a quarter.
Even some of the strongest institutions halted their stock repurchase programs and cut their quarterly dividend to a mere nickel or penny a share.
Over the last year, revenue at Wal-Mart stores open at least a year has fallen by an average 0.75 percent each quarter, according to the International Council of Shopping Centers.
Other than the massive MSDN software package that is trollied into our office every quarter, I cannot remember the last time I bought software in a box.
Remember that team building must be an everyday activity. It is not something you can just do quarterly at some off-site function.
For example, instead of distributing quarterly upgrades, you can provide plug-ins that users can install themselves.
That is most true of the Fed, which slashed rates between 2001 and 2003, held them at 1% for a year and then raised them in slow, predictable quarter-point steps, fuelling the housing boom.
The economy has now grown faster than its historic rate of 0.6% a quarter for nine months.
The China Banking Regulatory Commission instructed Banks to move at least 25% of loans issued through trust companies back onto their balance sheets at the end of each quarter.
Output in the services sector rose by 0.9% and in manufacturing by 1.1%. What held GDP back was a further sharp fall in construction, which lowered quarterly growth by 0.3 percentage points.
Output in the services sector rose by 0.9% and in manufacturing by 1.1%. What held GDP back was a further sharp fall in construction, which lowered quarterly growth by 0.3 percentage points.