• 民法通则民法总则编制定基础与胚胎。

    "General Principles of civil Law" is the basis of establishment of civil code.


  • 我国《民法通则》对此笼统规定使问题争论增加。

    The relevant provisions in the general Principles of Civil Law are general, which have caused more arguments on the issue.


  • 我国制定民法时,废除民法通则》第121条规定

    In adopting the Civil Code of China, the provision of article 121 should be abolished.


  • 结论1赔偿适用法律随意性大,倾向适用民法通则

    Conclusion (1) There were multilaw application in lawsuit cases of medical impairment compensation, tendency to apply the General Principle of Civil Law;


  • 民法通则》规定了公民姓名权、 名誉权、肖像权等各种人格权。

    The General Princ iples of the Civil Law protects citizens' right to personal name, honor and portrait.


  • 第一标准,《民法通则企业法人分类全民所有制企业法人;

    The first standard, "general rules of the civil law" classification of enterprise legal person: the whole people ownership enterprise legal person;


  • 民法通则民法指导性原则保护公民权利具有重要意义。

    The general provisions will be guiding principles of the civil law and of great significance for protecting civil rights.


  • 于是在校大学生兼职只能民法通则按照普通劳务关系保护

    Therefore, university student who holds concurrent jobs in the school only to be able protects by "the civil law" according to the ordinary service relations.


  • 预防接种事故损害的经济赔偿范围根据民法通则给予全部损失赔偿。

    According to "the General Civil Law" the preventive inoculation accident harms must pay for all losses.


  • 我国民法通则》坚持大陆法系代理显名主义,规定直接代理制度

    Domestic General Principles of Civil Law which succeeds the disclosed principal of continental legal system agency, only prescribe direct representation principle.


  • 我国民法通则物权中建筑物所有权尤其是对建筑物分层所有权一个空白。

    There is no regulation dealing with the building' s floor proprietary in our country's Civil Law.


  • 我国《民法通则》规定了法人具体人格权没有规定法人的一般人格权。

    Civil Code doesn't prescribe the general personality right of artificial person, but the concrete personality right.


  • 我国现行民法通则》中对不可分之并没有明确规定,实践中难以适用

    In current China, "civil law" is not clearly defined the indivisible obligation, so difficult to apply practice.


  • 我国民法通则以及其他民事立法悬赏广告具体规定禁止

    China's "General Principles of civil Law" and other civil legislation although without making the ads offering a reward of specific provisions, but also not prohibited.


  • 结合我国《民法通则有关司法解释,就法人合伙民事责任做了进一步探讨。

    This article discusses the civil duty of corporation partnership according to the general rule of civil law of our country and relative explanations about laws.


  • 目前我国没有一部完整民法只有“准法典”形式出现的《民法通则》。

    At present, there are only general principles of civil law appearing in form of the quasi code, there is not a complete Livil code in our Country.


  • 条例是行政法规定,适用限额赔偿原则民法通则则是全额赔偿原则。

    Regulations belong to Administrative Law and follow the principle of limited compensation, contrary to "the General Principles of Civil Law" which following the principle of full compensation.


  • 我国民法通则意思表示解释没有规定未来民法总则中应当对此加以完善。

    There isn't the provision for the explanation of declaration of intention in the current civil law, while it would be perfected in the civil code in future.


  • 我国监护制度方面规定主要体现民法通则一些相关的民事法律规定中。

    The regulations in our country's guardianship system are mainly represented in General Principles of the civil Law and relevant civil legal regulations.


  • 据此垄断行为他人造成损害时构成民法通则规定侵权行为,应承担民事责任

    Accordingly, the monopolistic conducts causing damages to others constitutes a tort stipulated by General Principles of the civil Law, and should assume civil liability.


  • 规范意义上看民俗习惯进入审判领域具有民法通则合同法物权法现行法的依据

    In the standard sense, folk customs to enter the trial fields is based on existing laws such as civil law trials, contract law, property law.


  • 另外,在体系原则上严重违反了《民法通则精神一些规范的设定存在重大疏漏

    In addition, the promulgation of some rules and regulations have great omission in existence, and disobey the spirit of Code of Civil Law in sys...


  • 摘要 《民法总则草案》第五规定了“民事权利”,基本上延续了《民法通则做法。

    Abstract : 'Civil Rights'(Chapter 5)of General Principles of Civil Code(Draft)basically follow the method of the the provisions of General Principles of Civil Law.


  • 我国民法通则婚姻法》却见有居住权规定概念离婚判例的司法实践中。

    The civil act and marriage law of our country haven't the provision of resident right, which just exists in judicial practice of divorce case.


  • 我国《民法通则》第79条第2对拾得人权利规定费用偿还请求权而未涉及报酬请求权。

    To the collect person's right, the 2nd paragraph of article 79 of General Rule of the Civil Law only stipulates the right of asking for expenses repay, not mentions the right of asking for pay.


  • 结合民法通则相关规定过错责任原则、无过错责任原则公平责任原则的含义进行了分析解释

    Third To analyse and explain, base on the General Rule of the Civil Law, the contents of responsibility principle of fault, responsibility principle of no-fault and fair responsibility principle.


  • 最后,通过我国民法通则分析说明比较香港地区和内地地区环境侵权民事救济的异同性。

    Through analyzing the constitution and basic law of environmental protection to describe the major legal basis of environmental rights protection in China, then analyzing the Introduc…


  • 我国民法通则》第114条首次规定减损规则,《合同法》第119条规则做了发展性的规定。

    China in the "Civil Code" section 114 of the derogation provided for the first time, the rules, "Contract Law" Article 119 of the rules of the provisions of the development done.


  • 尽管我国民法通则、合同法对无效合同确认标准做了原则性规定,但实务存在一些模糊认识作法

    Though there are principal provisions in the General Principles of Civil Law and in the Contract Law concerning the issue, still we see ambiguities in our understanding and judicial practice.


  • 尽管我国民法通则、合同法对无效合同确认标准做了原则性规定,但实务存在一些模糊认识作法

    Though there are principal provisions in the General Principles of Civil Law and in the Contract Law concerning the issue, still we see ambiguities in our understanding and judicial practice.


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