• 穷人承受气候恶化带来冲击

    The poor will bear the brunt of the impacts.


  • 气候恶化森林砍伐荒漠化继续。

    The climate is worsening, with deforestation and desertification still on the march.


  • 近年来,气候恶化导致茶叶遭受晚霜冻害日益严重,每年由于晚霜造成经济损失惨重。

    In recent years, tea production has severely suffered from late frost damage in early spring because of the increasing climate deterioration.


  • 随着全球气候恶化石油资源日益短缺发动机排放法规油耗限制法规日趋严格

    Engine emission regulations and fuel consumption regulations are increasingly stringent with the deterioration of global climate and the growing shortage of oil resources.


  • 随着能源短缺气候恶化问题日益凸显城市已经成为世界各国追求的城市建设模式。

    As the issues of energy shortages and climate change increasing seriously, the pursuit of low carbon economy has become the focus of the world.


  • 要严格区分导致气候恶化因素有助于气候改良的因素并不容易因为有时两种因素合二为一的。

    Separating the factors that contribute to climate change from the things that help reverse it is not always easy because sometimes they're one and the same.


  • 全球变暖天气模式改变已经开始,并且大气中过度二氧化碳其他温室气体使得未来几十年气候恶化

    Global warming and changes to weather patterns are already occurring and there is enough excess carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to drive climate change for decades to come.


  • 反核人士指出核电站需要花费10左右的时间如果我们真的严肃地要阻止气候恶化的话那么多时间可等

    Anti-nuclear campaigners point out that it takes 10 years or so to build a new nuclear power station, and we haven't got that long, if we are serious about preventing climate breakdown.


  • 气候条件再次恶化

    Climatic conditions again deteriorated.


  • 这个星球气候持续恶化正在发展为至关重要战争,不论哪种标准衡量美国都在输掉这场战争。

    The steady deterioration of the very climate of this very planet is becoming a war of the first order, and by any measure, the U.S. is losing.


  • 过去十年里,人们关注的焦点一直气候变化即温室气体导致地球暖是如何导致火灾恶化的。

    Over the past decade, the focus has been on climate changehow the warming of the Earth from greenhouse gases is leading to conditions that worsen fires.


  • 北极海冰地球气候系统占据中心位置并且恶化速度预期的更快。

    The Arctic sea ice holds a central position in the Earth's climate system and it's deteriorating faster than expected.


  • 随着气候变化这种情况愈加恶化

    With climate change, the problem will become worsened.


  • 即将到来世纪气候变化导致健康问题恶化这几乎涉及我们所熟知所有健康问题:如心脏病中暑沙门氏菌虫媒传染病

    Over the coming century, climate change will worsen virtually every health problem we know of, from heart disease and heatstroke to salmonella and insect-borne infectious diseases.


  • 粮食危机金融危机、气候变化大流行性流感危机使负担已经最大人们国家的苦难加深健康恶化

    Crises like the food crisis, the financial crisis, climate change, and pandemic influenza will deepen the misery and worsen the health of people and countries that already suffer the most.


  • 报告警告说,整个大洋洲已有超过1200鸟类灭绝气候变化使危机恶化

    Throughout Oceania more than 1200 bird species have become extinct and climate change is threatening to worsen the crisis, it warns.


  • 唯一不同就是如果之后91个月里我们袖手旁观失控气候变暖不会(像瘟疫一样)自动平息,而是一直恶化下去。

    One difference is that if we go through the next 91 months without changing course, the climate roulette of runaway warming will not blow over. It will endure.


  • 人口增加气候变化都会危机恶化

    Population growth will make the problem worse. So will climate change.


  • 我们不能地球妥协,我们必须遏制气候继续恶化以致带来灭顶之灾因此,我们相互之间必须有所妥协,”提到

    "We cannot compromise with the earth, we cannot compromise with the catastrophe of unchecked climate change, so we must compromise with one another," he said.


  • 我们看到一些早期迁移压力这些信号并非气候变化导致因之恶化。这我们开始看到东西

    We are seeing some of the early migratory pressures, the early signs which are not caused by climate change but are exacerbated by it, and that is something we are starting to see.


  • 移除有害污染清洁燃煤其实会使气候变化恶化

    He also said as coal burning is cleaned up to remove harmful sulphur pollution climate change would actually get worse.


  • 预计灾难性气候事件频率强度将有所增大可能一趋势进一步恶化

    The expected increase in the frequency and intensity of hazardous weather events because of climate change is likely to exacerbate this trend.


  • 可能导致今年暴雨气候变化使情况进一步恶化

    And climate change, a possible cause of this year's fierce rains, may well exacerbate this.


  • 相反,富裕国家迄今做出承诺科学家提出避免气候变化恶化所需要采取的行动之间巨大差距

    Instead, there is a massive gap between the pledges made so far by the rich and the actions that science says are needed to avoid the worst of climate change.


  • 环境恶化气候模式变化导致一些已知疾病人们意想不到的地点时间突然暴发引发前所未有大量病例

    Environmental degradation and changing weather patterns allow known diseases to flare up in unexpected places, at unexpected times, and with unprecedented Numbers of cases.


  • 资料表明全球气候在加速恶化,而决策者目前也无法提出有效途径减缓趋势。

    Today's figures, then, show a world still hurtling towards dangerous climate change – at a time when policymakers are out of solutions for slowing this process.


  • 他们下定决心禁止美军虐囚关闭关塔那摩基地,赞成采用总量管制与排放交易政策应对气候变化,以此来铲除造成美国形象恶化根源

    They are both determined to tackle three of its root causes-by banning torture, closing guantanamo Bay and embracing a cap-and-trade policy on climate change.


  • 他们下定决心禁止美军虐囚关闭关塔那摩基地,赞成采用总量管制与排放交易政策应对气候变化,以此来铲除造成美国形象恶化根源

    They are both determined to tackle three of its root causes-by banning torture, closing guantanamo Bay and embracing a cap-and-trade policy on climate change.


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