• 水分利用率最高值出现上午早时分。

    The highest water use efficiency occurred in the early morning.


  • 隐含表明增加肥料投入也是提高农田水分利用率有效途径

    This implies that the increases of fertilizer supply is also an effective approach to increasing water utilization rate of the farmlands.


  • 主要表现为造林成活率树木生长量大、土壤水分利用率高。

    It has some advantages, such as high surviving rate, fast growth of trees, and high water using ratio.


  • 生育期降雨量增多时,适当调整灌溉量,以提高水分利用率

    For increasing the utilization percent of water, it should be adjusted irrigation norm when the rainfall got more.


  • 光合特性而言,降低幅度较大光合速率、水分利用率气孔限制值。

    To the photosynthetic properties: there is a significant reduction in photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency and stomatal limitation.


  • 同一CO_2浓度下,水稻水分利用率随着生育期的延大体上上升趋势

    In the same CO_2 concentration, water use efficiency as the rice growing period and the post was generally higher trend.


  • 旱种抑制水稻根系生长地上物质积累产量水分利用率灌溉显著降低

    Compared with submerged irrigation, the growth of root, accumulation of above-ground dry matter, grain yield and water use efficiency were decreased significantly under dry cultivation.


  • 因此研究甜瓜田间需水规律理解甜瓜优质高产提高水分利用率具有重要意义

    So studying on regularity of water requirement of melon growing in field has important sense to understand the upgrading yield and high quality of melon and raising the utilization ratio of water.


  • 试验研究不同灌溉处理温室玉米生长状况,生理特性产量水分利用率的影响。

    The growth and physiological characteristics, yield and water use efficiency of corn in greenhouse were studied under different irrigation methods.


  • 研究结果表明,形成小老主要原因土壤水分水分利用率土壤肥力不足

    The results show that the main causes of small-old trees are the soil water deficiency, the low water utilization rate and the low fertility in soil.


  • 作者认为提高肥料用量(特别秋粮生产上) ,进一步提高水分利用率一定作用。

    According to our studies, fertilizers had a great potential for the further increase of the efficiency of water use in Fengqiu county, especially for crops with growth period in autumn.


  • 气孔控制植物吸收CO2优化水分利用率因此植物耐受非生物胁迫中发挥重要作用

    Stomata control CO2 uptake and optimize water use efficiency, thereby playing crucial roles in abiotic stress tolerance.


  • 水平沟能够显著拦蓄径流,减少土壤冲刷养分流失提高土壤水分利用率,进而提高作物单产。

    Leves trench tillage can retain runoff, decrease soil wash and nutrient loss, increase utilization rate of soil water, and further increase crops yield.


  • 秸秆覆盖可以显著地增加土壤水分利用率蓄水量促进玉米根系生长提高玉米单产32.1%。

    The covered stubble could increase water utilization and the capability of storage water and, it could prompt the root growth of spring corn obviously and raise the per unit yield of 32.1%.


  • 结果表明玉米群体二氧化碳通量、二氧化碳浓度群体水分利用率存在明显季节变化规律

    The result showed that the co 2 flux and co 2 concentration gradient as well as the water use efficiency of the summer corn community had distinct daily and seasonal change patterns.


  • 逐渐干旱过程中,水分利用率随着含水量下降上升,但长时间的严重干旱胁迫导致水分利用率降低;

    Under the same condition the effect of water content gradual drought stress to photosynthetic rate was weaker than that of gradient drought, which showed that the poplar could endure temporal drought.


  • 大豆、甘蓝玉米间作可以充分利用不同层次土壤水分可以形成高低搭配的格局,充分利用等资源提高作物水分利用率

    Therefore, Maize-soybean intercropping could make full use of the soil water and light, heat, air resources, and improve water use efficiency because of their high-low structure.


  • 水肥异区交替灌水条件下,灌溉水肥料养分未灌水区或未施肥区的运动对于这种水肥空间耦合方式较高产量水分利用率的形成具有重要意义。

    In AIFU, movement of water and fertilizer nutrients to the opposite furrow is very important to get a high yield and water use efficiency for this coupling way.


  • 试验氮磷配施水分利用率分别提高24.1%95.2%,大田对比试验各处理水分利用率长期定位试验增加了46.5-290.0%。

    The WUE increased respectively by 24.1% and 95.2% in NP treatment in two experiment; Comparing with long term experiment, the WUE in field comparison experiment increased by 46.5% to 290.0%.


  • 水分利用效率显著性差异氮肥当季利用率显著提高

    There were indistinct difference in water use efficiency and significantly higher nitrogen use efficiency, compared with the traditional irrigation fertilization.


  • 水分利用效率显著性差异氮肥当季利用率显著提高

    There were indistinct difference in water use efficiency and significantly higher nitrogen use efficiency, compared with the traditional irrigation fertilization.


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