• 此外木材水分含量测定表明,当样品中酚类物质含量时候,样品的吸水能力往往差。

    Furthermore, a high concentration of phenolics was connected to the low hygroscopicity of the wood.


  • 不同方法测定洗衣粉中的水分含量得出不同数值,与理论值相比均存有一定差异

    To measure the moisture content in a laundry detergent by different methods will result in different numerical values, which are certainly dissimilar to the theoretical value.


  • 以‘解放钟’等5个枇杷品种2月龄实生苗为材,水分胁迫条件测定活动不同器官的SOD、POD活性、脂过氧化产物MDA含量的变化。

    Under water defficiency stress, activities of SOD and POD and content of MDA in leaves, shoot tips and active roots of 5 2-month-old loquat seedlings were measured.


  • 目的制备西替丁进行含量测定控制质量

    Aim To prepare dispersible cimetidine tablets and determine the content of cimetidine for quality control.


  • 介绍了采用水分快速测定测定豆腐柴果胶粉水分含量的方法,确定最佳测定条件试验试样质量1

    A method is described for the determination of water content in pectin by the quick moisture apparatus, and the optimum conditions are found as follows: sample mass 1.


  • 使用面粉蛋白质测定曲线连续改变样品水分条件测试了面粉蛋白质含量

    In a test, protein content in wheat flour was determined using two testing curves under the condition of continuously altering the moisture content in the sample.


  • 通过测定玉米鲜果水分糖分含量探讨甜玉米及采后保鲜技术

    The optimum harvesting period and fresh-maintaining technique of sweet corn in post-harvesting period have been probed by analyzing the moisture and sugar content in fresh ears of sweet corn.


  • MA160采用重量方法测定液体膏体以及固体物质水分含量——便捷可靠,极短时间

    The MA160 uses the thermogravimetric method to determine the moisture content of liquid, pasty and solid substancesconveniently, reliably and in a minimum of time.


  • 通过对反应产物NCO含量黏度测定,考察了TMP水分含量催化剂HDITMP摩尔、反应温度、反应时间加成产物影响

    The effect of water content in TMP, catalysts, molar ratio of HDI to TMP, temperature and time on the properties of products was studied by measuring the NCO content and viscosity of products.


  • 通过水分分析仪分别测定各组白质水分含量百分比

    The percentages of water content in brain gray matter and white matter were determined with water analytic apparatus.


  • 结果表明测定面粉蛋白质含量有的曲线水分影响较大,有的曲线水分变化影响。

    The results showed that in wheat flour protein test, some testing curves were more subjected to the influence of moisture difference while the others were not.


  • 储藏前后测定饲料脂肪水分氨基酸总量含量以及过氧化值。储藏中除30天外,以后每隔15天测定分析饲料的酸值和过氧化值。

    The rough fat content, moisture content, total amount of amino-acid, ammonia content, acid value and peroxide value in feed were determined before and after storage.


  • 分析测定结果表明黑桃果实不论大小,成熟时水分含量高达88%左右,为多水果

    The nutrients of Prunus persica cv. Heitao fruits was determined and analyzed. The findings showed that black peach was a juicy fruit whose moisture was as high as 88% regardless of its size.


  • 测定生物柴油及其石化柴油的调和油粘度燃烧含量炭、灰分闪点水分十六烷含量

    The viscosity, combustion heat, sulfur content, carbon residue, ash, flash point, moisture and cetane value of biodiesel and its blending oils with diesel were determined.


  • 中子测定土壤水分含量变化量,分析计算水文地质参数所得结果与其它方法测定相近,可以认为中子测定水文地质参数一种新的手段和方法。

    To calculate the above parameters, water content in soil and its variety were measured by a neutron probe. This method is simple and the results are close to those obtained using other methods.


  • 微波测定马铃薯蒸煮后产物,混合物料颗粒全粉中水分含量结果与用测定食品中水分含量国标法(GB 5 0 0 93- 85)得到的结果相一致

    Consistent result was got by microwave method as by national standard method (GB5009 3-85) in determination of water content from cooked, mixed and dehydrated potato granules.


  • 简单介绍迪安·斯塔克水分测定通过蒸馏方法测量石油产品焦油乳化沥青其他沥青材料的水含量

    Determines the water content in petroleum products, tars, emulsified asphalts and other bituminous materials by the distillation method.


  • 配置纤维细度仪水分测定先进设备快速准确测定纤维含量

    Equipped with the advance instruments such as fiber fineness, halogen moisture analyzer, our lab can test the fiber content quickly and accurately.


  • 配置纤维细度仪水分测定先进设备快速准确测定纤维含量

    Equipped with the advance instruments such as fiber fineness, halogen moisture analyzer, our lab can test the fiber content quickly and accurately.


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