• 加快完成大中型重点小型病险水库除险加固任务。

    We will speed up efforts to reinforce large and medium-sized reservoirs and dilapidated key small reservoirs.


  • 病险水库除险加固垂直防渗墙涵管施工难点

    The construction of vertical cut-off walls on culvert pipes is the most difficult part in the reinforcement of reservoirs in danger.


  • 对于目前我国正在开展的病险水库除险加固工作具有借鉴意义

    It is of guiding significance in the on-going works of consolidating defective and dangerous reservoirs in China.


  • 水库除险加固工程设计中,首次采用塑性混凝土防渗墙技术

    The technique of seepage control wall of plastic concrete is used for the first time in the design of stabilization for dangerous release of the reservoir.


  • 本文阐述了玻璃水库除险加固工程建设中的质量影响因数控制内容方法

    In this article, Glass City reservoir dam factor influencing the quality of construction, control of the content and method.


  • 44一型水库除险加固增加有效库容8000万方,增加旱涝保收面积10万

    Small one on the 44 reservoir reinforcement, to increase the effective capacity of 8000 Articles, increase Hanlaobaoshou area of 10 mu.


  • 简述我国水库安全状况病险水库危害以及各个时期国家开展病险水库除险加固工作情况。

    A brief description is made of the safety status of water reservoirs, the hazards of defective and dangerous reservoirs and the rehabilitation works conducted during different periods in China.


  • 文章结合塑性混凝土赤水水库除险加固工程应用分析塑性混凝土心墙的施工技术要点

    In line with the applications of the technique of the plastic concrete core wall in Chishui Reservoir reinforcement engineering, the article analyzes the key points of this technique.


  • 本文黄前水库除险加固工程为背景,介绍了淤泥扰动技术原理设备施工等方面内容,为其它工程参考。

    This paper, based on the rehabilitation of Huangqian reservoir, introduced the theory, equipments and construction of the muddy soil disturbance technology.


  • 本文通过对小型水库除险加固设计注意几个问题总结目的是引起同行专业人士的重视减少设计工作失误,少走弯路

    This paper summarizes the reinforcement design problems should be noted of small reservoir, to cause attention to peers or professionals, reduce design errors and avoid detours.


  • “顶施工广东省内水库除险加固工程得到运用推广,取得较好的效果。本文简略介绍广东省信宜市尚文水库加固工程输水涵管利用顶管施工法改造情况。

    Pipe thrusting method has been widely used in reservoir works in Guangdong province. Such a method used to reinforce a culvert project is briefly introduced in this paper.


  • 因此小型水库除险加固工程重要基础设施维护工程。

    Therefore, danger removal and reinforcement projects of small reservoirs are important infrastructure maintenance projects.


  • 结合申庄水库枢纽除险加固工程实例,从灌浆理论施工等方面阐述了劈裂式灌浆技术应用

    The cleavage grouting technique, which is a new grouting technique, has been widely used in the danger removal and dam reinforcement project.


  • 针对除险加固措施,确定水库特征水位库容,计算坝顶超高及坝顶高程,探讨了坝体坝基防渗护坡及防冻等问题。

    Characteristic water level and reservoir capacity is fixed, freeboard and dam crest is calculated, seepage prevention of dam body, dam foundation and dam sheeting is discussed.


  • 同年开始了除险加固工程,对永记水库防渗问题采用沟槽混凝土防渗墙处理。

    Then the measures of slot concrete cutoff wall were taken to the dam of Yongji reservoir.


  • 擜摘要文章主要针对水库大坝除险加固灌浆工程施工工艺进行了详细的探讨类似工程参考。

    Abstract: : the article mainly for the dam, the grouting engineering problems reinforcement construction process of detailed discussion as reference for other similar projects.


  • 病险水库安全鉴定除险加固设计中,设计洪水复核首先解决的问题。

    In the safety appraisal and reinforcement design, the flood review is the first to solve.


  • 通过各备选方案偏好值集结,利用评分函数排定水库群坝达标改造次序武汉市各水库除险加固决策提供参考依据

    Then the order of dangerous reservoirs is determined by use of a grading function, providing a reference for the reinforcement of reservoirs in Wuhan.


  • 水库安全鉴定主要结论为基础针对工程中实际存在问题,采取了相应的大坝加宽溢洪道改建灌溉输水涵管补漏东西灌渠的改建等除险加固设计。

    On the basis of the Conclusion of safety certification, being directed against the project questions, the dam widen, spillway rebuild, irrigation conservancy and channel rebuild have been adopted.


  • 分析了申村水库枢纽工程存在问题阐述了水库进行除险加固必要性

    This paper analyzes the problems existing in pivotal project of Shencun reservoir, and expounds the necessity of danger removal and dam reinforcement to the reservoir.


  • 由于水库运行时间过久导致出现了危及水库安全问题水库除险加固随之提上了日程。

    For running too long, some problems which threatens the safety of reservoirs has appeared, and reinforcement of the reservoir has been put on the agenda.


  • 王家沟水库成功加固,对黄土地区渠库结合工程土坝除险加固具有典型的参考意义。

    This paper analyzes the problems existing in pivotal project of Shencun Reservoir, and expounds the necessity of danger removal and dam reinforcement to the reservoir.


  • 针对申水库存在问题制定了除险加固措施提出了具体实施方案

    In the light of the problems existing in Shencun Reservior, this paper formulates some measures for the danger removal and dam reinforcement, and puts forward some concrete implementing schemes.


  • 芦洞水库大坝除险加固工程实例介绍粘土固化剂防渗墙土坝加固中的应用

    Take the nodong dam reinforcement project as an example, this paper introduced the application of clay curing agent in the cut-off wall of earth dam reinforcement.


  • 芦洞水库大坝除险加固工程实例介绍粘土固化剂防渗墙土坝加固中的应用

    Take the nodong dam reinforcement project as an example, this paper introduced the application of clay curing agent in the cut-off wall of earth dam reinforcement.


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