A VA program helps provide payments to landlords, utility companies, child care providers and other services for low-income veterans and their families moving into permanent housing.
VA program helps provide payments to landlords, utility companies, child care providers and other services for low-income veterans and their families moving into permanent housing.
At this stage, there's still several thousand without permanent housing.
Hilazon Tachtit was occupied by the Natufians, hunter-gatherers who began to build permanent dwellings during the transition between the prefarming Paleolithic and the agricultural Neolithic periods.
The World Bank’s Vice-President for South Asia, Praful Pratel, says money has started to flow into local economies and housing grants are supporting the rebuilding of permanent shelters for people.
在住房偿付能力贷款修改项目(HAMP)的帮助下,有将近17万借款人已经收到了永久性房贷修改,但这远低于300 - 400万的目标。
Under the Home Affordable Mortgage Programme (HAMP), a mere 170,000 borrowers have received permanent loan modifications, well below the target of 3m-4m.
Under the Home Affordable Mortgage Programme (HAMP), a mere170, 000 borrowers have received permanent loan modifications, wellbelow the target of 3m-4m.
The wartime temporaries will be replaced by permanent homes.
The wartime temporaries will be replaced by permanent homes.