• 抑制聚合物为基础污染沉积物形成方法通常碱洗碳氢化合物形成披露

    A method for inhibiting the formation of polymeric based fouling deposits normally formed during the caustic washing of hydrocarbons is disclosed.


  • 抑制聚合物为基础污染沉积物形成方法通常碱洗碳氢化合物形成披露

    A method for inhibiting the formation of polymeric based fouling deposits normally formed during the caustic washing to hydrocarbons is disclosed.


  • 红树林根系能力吸收很好地截留水中沉积物污染这些沉积物污染进入海洋之前流经这些根系。

    Mangrove root systems have the ability to absorb and well trap sediments and pollutants in water that flows through them before they enter the ocean.


  • 论文讨论影响沉积物分布主要因素区域划分(北部中部南部)的污染特点

    We have also discussed the main factors influencing the distribution of sediments and the pollution characteristics and effects on regions (the north, the middle and the south of coast).


  • 本文研究珠江口滨海湿地沉积物中的重金属污染状况及其生物有效性。

    This article studied the heavy metal pollution condition in the sediments of the coastal wetlands at the Pearl River estuary.


  • 化学治理技术,较详细介绍了壳聚糖治理海洋沉积物重金属污染潜在应用价值

    And in the chemical control, the potential application of Chitosan in prevention of heavy metal pollution in Marine sediments was introduced in detail.


  • 通过研究有机氯农药沉积物柱样中的垂直分布特征,探讨有机氯农药在泉州污染历史

    Trough the study of the vertical distribution characteristics of organochlorine pesticides in the sediment core, the pollution history of organochlorine pesticides in Quanzhou Bay was discussed.


  • 进入河流湖泊海洋污染类型包括有机废料其他营养物有毒化合物和其他危险物质废水和沉积物

    The types of pollutants entering streams, lakes and oceans from such sources include organic wastes, other nutrients, toxic chemicals and other hazardous substances, heated water, and sediments.


  • 利用单项标准指数沉积物污染状况进行了分析。

    Then, the pollution conditions of the superficial sediments are appraised by the single standard index method.


  • 第三汽油清净在保持发动机喷嘴进气阀清洁同时增加燃烧室沉积物(CCD),这将增加部分污染物的排放。

    Although third generation gasoline detergent additives keep nozzles and intake valves of engines clean, they simultaneously increase combustion chamber deposits (CCD).


  • 相同污染浓度条件颗粒沉积物重金属具有较高初期释放释放强度;平衡释放浓度随粒度减小略有增大。

    Under the condition of same polluted concentration, heavy metals in coarse sediment are released with greater amount and higher intensity dUring initial stage.


  • 沉积物粒度控制沉积物污染分布主要因素之一

    Grain size is one of the main factors to control the pollutant distribution in sediment.


  • 湖泊水库浅层水域环境变化研究环境污染检测中,浅层水域的淤泥沉积物取样一项必不可缺的工作。

    It is very essential in the study of environmental change and pollution monitoring to sample the undisturbed sediment from shallow water areas, such as lakes and reservoirs.


  • 结合历史数据现状调查,对常熟市昆承湖水地形沉积物污染和湖泊环境质量现状进行了研究。

    Based on the historical and present monitoring data, the underwater topography, deposits, pollution sources and water environment quality of Kuncheng Lake of Changshu City were studied.


  • 现代沉积物湖泊营养盐污染重要储藏库一定条件下这些内源污染负荷可能成为水体富营养化的主导因子。

    The modern sediment is an important storehouse of the nutrient salt and pollutant in lakes. Under proper conditions, these internal contamination load sources can cause the eutrophication of lakes.


  • 河漫滩上沉积物沉积伴随着沉积物相结合的营养污染质的沉积。

    Deposition of sediments on river floodplains is accompanied by the deposition of sediment-associated nutrients and pollutants.


  • 介绍了领域研究主要研究内容、主要研究方法沉积物重金属污染评价方法。

    It mainly discussed the research contents and the research methods in this field, and the evaluation methods of the environmental pollution of heavy metals in lake sediment.


  • 外源污染得到控制、水质得到改善情况下,滇池沉积物成为内在的金属污染源。

    With the improvement of water quality, metals could be released from sediment to overlying water.


  • 研究区域为珠江三角洲一条典型城市污染河道采集了13个站位沉积物上覆间隙动物样品进行分析

    Samples of sediment, overlying water, pore water, and benthic invertebrate were collected at 13 stations along a typical municipal polluted river in the Pearl river Delta.


  • 北京大学未名湖沉积物中主要重金属含量随深度变化进行回归分析应用地积累指数法对未名湖沉积物重金属污染程度做出影响评价。

    According to the sedimentation, a preliminary assessment was conducted on the polluted standard of the heavy metals in the deposit of the lake, in use of I geo.


  • 土壤沉积物有机污染最终归宿之一。

    Soils and sediments are the main final fate of organic pollutants.


  • 该图显示水果湖及西南沿岸东湖沉积物污染主要区域。

    The isogram showed that excess phosphorus loading of sediment in the southwest part was higher than that in the northeast part.


  • 通过太湖MS沉积岩芯元素地球化学指标分析,太湖沉积物污染历史进行了系统的讨论。

    The pollution history of Taihu Lake is studied based on the geochemical characteristics in Core MS sediments.


  • 重金属污染海洋沉积物污染的一个重要方面

    Heavy metals in Marine sediments can cause many serious pollution problems.


  • 综述沉积物重金属环境污染研究进展

    This paper summarized the progress of studies on the environmental pollution of heavy metals in lake sediment.


  • 太湖表层沉积物和水生生物样品丁基锡污染进行了研究。

    The results show that butyltins content in most of the surface water samples is under the limit of the detection; five out of ten sediment samples are measured detectable butyltins.


  • 湾内沉积物中锌可交换态比例明显高于,体现沿岸污染径流输入影响。

    The proportions of exchangeable Zn, Cd, Co and Ni in the inner bay were higher than in the outer bay, indicating the impacts of pollutant input along the bank.


  • 汽油中添加清净剂可以防止汽油机燃料系统进气系统沉积物形成减少排放污染降低燃油消耗

    Adding detergent in gasoline can prevent fuel supply system and air intake system of gasoline engine from forming deposits, reduce exhaust emissions, and improve brake specific fuel consumption.


  • 结果表明河道水质净化后通过引水使河道保持一定溶解氧,有效抑制沉积物有机物氨氮污染物的释放

    The result showed that, after the river water was purified, release of organic, ammonia etc can be inhabited by drawing fresh water or aeration to improve DO concentration in river.


  • 结果表明河道水质净化后通过引水使河道保持一定溶解氧,有效抑制沉积物有机物氨氮污染物的释放

    The result showed that, after the river water was purified, release of organic, ammonia etc can be inhabited by drawing fresh water or aeration to improve DO concentration in river.


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