Moreover, Saudi Arabia has remained remarkably stable since nationalisation.
The Somali pirates have hijacked more than a dozen ships and crews, including a Saudi Arabia-owned supertanker laden with crude oil. They want $10 million in ransom for the tanker.
Saudi Arabia can fend off the oil majors' demands because it has enough experts of its own.
Other countries go further: Saudi Aramco, for one, has a monopoly on oil production in Saudi Arabia.
More and more, though, Indian oil firms are being urged to look farther afield for oil, notably to Saudi Arabia and west Africa (India is lobbying hard for new supplies from Angola).
曾在沙特阿拉伯国有石油公司沙特阿美(Aramco)任职的石油咨询师胡赛尼(Sadad I. Al-Husseini)对世界石油前景的判断特别令人心惊。
Sadad I. Al-Husseini, an oil consultant and former executive at Aramco, Saudi Arabia's national oil company, gave a particularly chilling assessment of the world's oil outlook.
Countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have been reluctant to provide data and have been unwilling to allow international oil companies to speed up the extraction of their vast reserves of oil.
At 261 billion barrels, Saudi Aramco's stated hydrocarbon reserves are more than ten times those of ExxonMobil, the largest private oil company.
At 261 billion barrels, Saudi Aramco's stated hydrocarbon reserves are more than ten times those of ExxonMobil, the largest private oil company.