• 没有常识知识没多大用处。

    Knowledge without common senses counts for little.


  • 没有常识知识没多大用处。

    Knowledge without common sense counts for nothing.


  • 没有常识知识没多大用处。

    The subject matter of ethnomethodology is common sense knowledge.


  • 但是他们头脑我们的头脑没有什么不同,这一点已一个事实所证明开普勒爱因斯坦这样科学家们来之不易发现,已成为小学生们的常识

    But that their minds are not different from our own is demonstrated by the fact that the hard-won discoveries of scientists like Kepler or Einstein become the commonplace knowledge of schoolchildren.


  • 可以看出他的主人很爱他,因为他看上去营养充足且没有街头常识

    You could tell he had loving owners because he looked well-fed and he had no street sense.


  • 关于进化论争辩虽然没有结论,但是根据常识,人们可以推断那些注意膳食平衡的人很可能会面临健康问题

    The evolution debate may not have been decided, but common sense predicts problems for those who do not eat a balanced diet.


  • 然而这些所谓常识没有真的

    However, not a single one of these is true.


  • 最后一个要素常识,”我们具备我们都没有我们应该的那样去运用

    And the final key is "common sense," we all have it, but we all don't use it like we should.


  • 一位警方发言人:“这位警官没有要求店主去年任何材料逮捕这个我们处理这个投诉的行为是常识客观的。”

    A police spokesman said: 'at no point did the officer ask the cafe owner to remove any materials or arrest the man and we took a commonsense and objective approach in dealing with the complaint.


  • 所以学者们在几年揭示条“常识”并没有20世纪发达国家中实现时*,着实让人感到失落。

    So it was quite an upset when academics found some years ago that this had not been the case in advanced countries over the 20th century*.


  • 但是当那些内容没有成为常识时代,当我们如今已经接受的,自然科学和最终原理还未被采纳的时代,我们不能寄希望纯粹推理

    At the time it was very far from commonsense and it's a mark of how far we have come that we now accept the ultimate principles of science are ones that we cannot hope to base on pure reason.


  • 名字后面博士头衔没有多少常识所有长毛很喜欢管。

    He had a "PhD" behind his name, but he didn't have much common sense, and all the "long hairs" looked alike to him.


  • 唯一问题关于版权常识,是国会唯一没有事情

    The only problem is that common sense about copyright is the one thing that Congress doesn't do.


  • 文章老板或者其他没有很多时间需要了解基本可用性常识看的。

    This is the article to give to your boss or anyone else who doesn't have much time, but needs to know the basic usability facts.


  • 另外不要认为一个人的可以辨别他们是不是撒谎的人,在琢磨他们没有撒谎的时候,你也考虑一些常识

    Also, do not think you can detect a liar solely based on their eye movements, you will need to put forth some common sense while you are contemplating on whether or not they are lying.


  • 这里没有任务声明没有目标程序罗列没有操作规范,只有几代人下来常识思考方式

    There's no mission statement here, no listing of goals or procedures, no operations manual. Just the sort of knowledge and way of thinking that's been handed down through generations.


  • 尽管219个学生研究没有发现常识之外的结论,仍然使社交网络处于尴尬位置,或者至少有点尴尬。

    While the study of 219 students hasn't found anything that common sense didn't already dictate, it has put social networking on the hot seat, at least a little bit.


  • 是的甚至没有因此事而烦恼-这违背了,常识基本原则

    Yes, and nobody is even bothered by the fact of this happening. -right. -it violates the most elemental principles of common sense.


  • 生活常识告诉这么大的图书馆没有厕所不可能的,继续寻找,最后找到标有“WOMEN”字样的

    My common sense told me that it was impossible not to find one in the library, so I kept trying. Eventually I found a door on which was a single word: WOMEN.


  • 虽然他们懂得更多健康常识但医生其他人没有区别

    Although they have more health knowledge, doctors are no different from anyone else.


  • 他们发挥受害人贪欲一些没有什么许多英寸运用常识

    They play to the victims greed and the something for nothing that baits many in. Use common sense.


  • 液体没有固定形状一定体积是个常识

    It is common sense that liquid has no definite shape, yet it has a definite volume.


  • 虽然大多数不在网上泄露自己社保账号常识但很多人却觉得填写出生日期出生地没有问题

    While most people have the common sense not to share their social security number online, many have no problem giving the date and location of their birth.


  • 然后他们分开掩护大学校园他们发明他们没有足够常识申请许多地位使他们感想失踪沮丧

    Then they leave the sheltered environment of the university campus, to discover they don't have adequate knowledge to apply for many positions, which makes them feel lost and frustrated.


  • 确定常识一点问题都没有吗?也许需要测验来测一测

    Convinced your common sense is pretty sound? You might want to put it to the test with a new quiz.


  • 说话文雅,言辞得体,明显接受过良好教育但是没有任何关于科学历史常识数学即使最好情况下也很基础

    He is well-spoken, certainly educated, but he has no knowledge of science or history, and his maths are basic at the very best.


  • 分析故事中的主持犯了常识管理错误,“做和尚一天钟”由于主持没有提前公布工作标准造成

    Analysis: the story of the host made a common sense management mistakes, one day and one monk hit the clock is due to the auspices of the work standards are not announced in advance.


  • 我们展示一个没有真理常识或者同情世界,这个世界中的鲁莽无助可笑

    He shows us a world without truth, common sense or compassion, a world where people are reckless, helpless and absurd.


  • 老师高深的学问没有足够常识

    My teacher had great knowledge, but not enough common sense.


  • 一个量子现象似乎有违常理否则它告诉我们常识没有真正世界运作方式的。

    This is a quantum phenomenon which seems to run counter to common sense, or else that tells us that common sense is not really the way the world works.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定