• 治病衣服一个道理:如果洗衣服过程中,您不断洗衣桶污水、油渍衣服永远也休想干净!

    To cure disease seems to wash clothes. Don't imagine that is possible for clothes to be washed clean if sewages, greasy spot are being added continuously while clothes are being washed.


  • 2011年4月12日Minamisanriku居住的74岁的Kiyoi Oikawa正利用回收废弃家中中打用来清洗衣物。

    Kiyoi Oikawa, 74, collected water from a well with a recycled bucket to wash her clothes from her destroyed home in Minamisanriku on April 12, 2011.


  • 如果美国所有家庭都把洗衣机热水洗涤模式,切换成温水洗涤冷水清洗模式,可以节省相当于10万桶石油产生能量

    If all the households in the U.S. switched from hot-hot cycle to warm-cold, we could save the energy comparable to 100, 000 barrels of oil a day.


  • 该项目的一部分赛科宝藏荒地系列产品发现用途被丢弃物品例如汽车轮胎内胎洗衣机低压记录电子元件

    The project is part of Secco's Treasures of Wasteland series, which finds new USES for discarded items such as car tyre inner tubes, washing machine drums, LP records and electronic components.


  • 洗衣房专用塑料塑料内胆主材进口(韩国)聚乙烯(PE)塑胶原料

    Laundry room dedicated plastic square barrel plastic tank advocate material: imported (South Korea) of polyethylene (PE) plastic raw materials.


  • 他们可以衣物放进洗衣机干燥桶亲眼看到机器操作过程。

    They can also put their clothes into the washing machine and the dryer to see how the clothes are cleaned on their sights.


  • 公寓洗衣机洗桶要一小时

    The washing machines in my condominium building take about an hour to do a load.


  • 分析了聚丙烯洗衣机内桶专用料HHP1性能及其与通用料的区别

    This paper introduced the properties of polypropylene speciality HHP1 used for washing machine and analyzed the differences in properties of HHP 1 and general purpose PP resin.


  • 控制洗衣机内水浑浊程度研究提出了把浑浊程度通过浑浊传感器建立频率的对应关系

    To control turbidity of water in washing machines barrel, the relationship of water's turbid degree and frequency using the turbidity sensor is researched and put forward.


  • 有些提供免费早餐可使用厨房洗衣设施有的可能供应基本设备,像是洗澡水

    Some provide free breakfast with access to a kitchen and laundry facilities while others only offer the very bare essentials, such as your bath water in a bucket.


  • 桶合一洗衣机现已处于完成概念实用样机阶段

    The washing machine with integrated shell and barrel has been under the period of execution conceptual machine (practical model machine).


  • 宿舍每个楼道都要树立热水供给点,楼道就算没有洗衣机,最好有甩干桶

    Please set up a hot water station on each floor in the dormitory. Additionaly, a watermachine is necessary or at least a laundry dryer.


  • 箱体连体一壁化洗衣机设计的重大突破使洗衣机同等功能下成本降低体积缩小安全性能提高

    Unifying the twins tub and case is great progress in the washing machine design. It makes the machine cost come down, volume narrow, safety improve.


  • 而且很费力年后有人发明了电动洗衣机长时间之后才,有人生产者的电动洗衣机。

    The arum was turned by hand, and needed a lot of effort. Eight years passed before someone producer an electric washing machine. The world had to wait even longer for a machine to dry clothes.


  • 实用新型一种洗衣机,主要涉及洗衣机盆形波轮结构改进

    The utility model relates to a washing machine, particularly the improved structure of a drum bottom of a basin-shaped impeller of a washing machine.


  • 底部结构美学上相匹配,并在连接时形成洗衣机外部由此不再需要封底部结构和桶的箱体

    The connection between the bottom structure and the bucket forms the outer part of the washing machine, therefore, a box body for encapsulating the bottom structure and the bucket are not needed.


  • 吊簧通过减震洗衣机箱体连接

    The balance spring is connected to the machine body and the exterior barrel through the anti-vibration ring.


  • 竖直桶式洗衣机主体结构基础中心安装空心立柱

    Based on the main structure of the erect sleeve washer, it installs a hollow column in the center of the inner tank.


  • 竖直桶式洗衣机主体结构基础中心安装空心立柱

    Based on the main structure of the erect sleeve washer, it installs a hollow column in the center of the inner tank.


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