This command line performs a number of scheduler tests over a variety of different processor topologies and emits the results of the tests.
Credits are now based upon the actual number of floating point operations done rather than by multiplying the benchmark results by the time taken.
Using the fingerprint information, a processor (32) correlates the test results with a record (60) of a corresponding patient.
Based on the test result of class testing processors with the same capabilities are put into the same transporting trays.
Both theoretic analysis and simulation test show that, these two protocols can improve the schedulability of hard real-time transactions, and achieve higher processor utilization.
The simulation and test results indicate that this design can be implemented on a single chip. This design can be applied in some minitype FMCW radar for its ranging function.
Lots of experiments showed that the simulator can accurately model both the functional and timing behaviors of processor x.
The proposed postprocessor was evaluated with some channel routing examples. The experimental results showed that the number of critical regions between adjacent wires for each example is minimized.
As soon as we receive a solution for the problems we will deliver benchmark results for graphics CARDS and processors.
As soon as we receive a solution for the problems we will deliver benchmark results for graphics CARDS and processors.