The romantic period knows no more fascinating literary family than the Brontes.
The romantic period in American literature stretches from the end of the 18th century through the outbreak of the civil war.
Roughly the first third of the 19th century makes up English literature's romantic period.
William Wordsworth is the leading figure of the English romantic poetry, the focal poetic voice of the period.
Vincenzo Bellini is an important opera composer in the Italian Romantic period of the nineteenth century.
Berlioz is a composer conductor and music critic with distinctive character in the romanticism times.
This requires composer to create many types which is suitable to the content.
The creation of English epic in Romantic Movement greatly enriched the types of poetry when lyrical poetry used to be the mainstream.
In the Romantic Period, this omnipotent authority came to a head, becoming a narcissistic intoner.
The third chapter describes some of the Romantic Period of ethnic nationalism and the spirit of the integration of Chopin's works.
In the novels of the Classic and the Romanticism agape story was not theabsolute priority.
Artistic song is the outcome of European romanticism period, a type of music integrating poem with music.
Nathaniel Howthorne was one of the greatest writers of American literature of romanticism. In his masterpiece, The Scarlet Letter, he used many writing techniques of symbolism.
In the romantic period as an outstanding, Chopin ethnic music composer and polish style with a unique history.
Most musician of Romantic genre would rather emphasize harmonic color and simplex impression than the logic or the form of classical music.
The romantic music of the piano works with piano playing, in the romantic period of music course occupies a very important position.
The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeares genius, and the Victorians worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called bardolatry.
Etude Tableaux are a set of very successful works in the romantic period composed by him, which have vital performing and artistic value.
The first chapter describes some characteristics of the Romantic period music and ethnic music in the historical environment and the overall innovation Chopin Style characteristics.
So in the romantic period, self became the object that the writer's want to express firstly. We can see self-expression within Byron's work possess the peculiarity that the others are not have.
Among the Romantics and the Victorians, suffering and dying from tuberculosis might be considered a badge of refinement; cancer death was nothing of the sort.
Thee Romantics commemorated the leading painters and authors of their day, stressing the uniqueness of the artist's personal experience rather than public glory.
In the romantic period William Wordsworth wrote a great many poems concerned with child-heroes which are the best and most important in the art of child image portraying at that time.
Scriabin's early sonatas reflect the influence of aesthetics idea and composing skill of classical and romantic age, have the characteristics of typical sonata song form.
Scottish novelist and poet, whose work as a translator, editor, biographer, and critic, together with his novels and poems, made him one of the most prominent figures in English romanticism.
During Bartók's youth, the music played in the concert halls of Austria-Hungary was dominated by Romantic pieces by mostly German composers.
They began to look for salvation in the world of their own dreams, hopes and emotions.
They began to look for salvation in the world of their own dreams, hopes and emotions.