• 混合动力电动汽车机电耦合系统归类进行分析。

    Classifies and analyzes the electromechanical coupling system of hybrid electric vehicles.


  • 混合动力电动汽车(HEV)核心混合动力驱动系统

    The kernel of hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) is the hybrid power drive system.


  • 这些电池混合动力电动汽车,油电混合电动应用程序

    These batteries have applications in hybrid-electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles.


  • 目前混合动力电动汽车主要两种混合驱动结构串联式并联式

    There are two hybrid driving structures for HEV at present time:Serial and parallel.


  • 目前混合动力电动汽车(HEV)世界范围内成为新型车辆开发热点

    The hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is now becoming a careful attention point in new vehicle developing in the world wide.


  • 混合动力电动汽车发动机转速优化控制降低油耗减少排放关键

    The optimized control system for engine speed of a hybrid electric vehicle is the key to keeping as low as possible fuel consumption and vehicle emission.


  • 实现并联混合动力电动汽车(PHEV)能量分配优化控制整车集成关键

    The optimal power flow control is the key to the overall integration of parallel hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV).


  • 提出了基于驾驶员行驶需求转矩进行实时分配混合动力电动汽车整车能量管理策略

    An energy management strategy for the hybrid power electric vehicle based on timely distributing the demand torque for driver is presented.


  • 能量存储系统(ess)作为混合动力电动汽车能量核心部件之一,作用巨大的

    As a core part of energy source in HEV, the energy storage system (ESS) function is enormous.


  • 最后对内燃机汽车混合动力电动汽车能量经济性驾驶循环的影响情况进行了比较和分析。

    The impacts of driving cycles on energy economy of ICE vehicle and HEV are compared and analyzed.


  • 相对于传统内燃机汽车而言,混合动力电动汽车优势在于增加动力系统部件的种类组合方式

    Compared to the conventional vehicle, Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) has a lot of kinds and combination ways of power sources in the drivetrain.


  • 环境问题能源危机日益严重今天,混合动力电动汽车成为世界上清洁汽车研究重点

    With the crisis of energy and environment, hybrid electric vehicle has become one of the focuses of clearing vehicle in the world.


  • 本文首先分析混合动力电动汽车混合驱动结构类型各种驱动类型的特点适用条件作了总结

    Firstly, this paper gives an analysis on the types and hybrid configurations of hybrid electric vehicle, and summarizes the characters of all the driving types and their working conditions.


  • 根据混合动力电动汽车控制系统结构控制器网络信息实时性需求设计了该车TT CAN协议

    TTCAN protocol has been designed for hybrid electric vehicle according to the structure of control system and the real-time demands of controller network.


  • 根据混合动力电动汽车控制系统结构控制器网络信息实时性需求,设计该车的TT CAN协议

    A TTCAN protocol has been designed for hybrid electric vehicle according to the structure of control system and the real-time demands of controller network.


  • 实车试验结果表明所研发动力总成控制策略具有良好控制品质,能够满足混合动力电动汽车的使用要求。

    The results indicate that the powertrain control system has good control effectiveness and can meet the requirements of HEV.


  • 随着各项关键技术解决预计未来10年中,世界生产的汽车中将有40%以上产品是混合动力电动汽车

    By the solution of key technique, It can be predicted that HEV shall be in a proportion of more than 40% in the new vehicle production in the future 10 years.


  • 研究结果表明TT CAN网络目前适应混合动力电动汽车要求,同时说明能源模块设计是正确可靠的。

    The results indicated that TTCAN was suitable to mixed power electric vehicle in the present and the design of multi - power unit was correct and credible.


  • 本文综合论述电动汽车混合动力电动汽车燃料电池电动汽车研究现状它们未来发展趋势作了展望

    This paper gives a brief view for present status of battery electric vehicle, hybrid electric vehicle and fuel cell electric vehicle and makes a prospect for their future technology.


  • 文章介绍了该混合动力电动汽车用稀土永磁无刷直流电机结构特点设计方法通过样机试验验证设计合理性

    The structure peculiarity and design method of this brushless DC motor for HEV are introduced. It is shown that the design is rational by prototype trial of the brushless DC motor.


  • 通过分析并联混合动力电动汽车结构工作模式切换过程,讨论并联混合动力汽车进行发动机调速控制必要性

    By analyzing the structure the working mode, and the switching process of parallel hybrid electric vehicle, the importance of engine speed regulation was discussed.


  • 本文根据混合动力电动公交客车特点研制开发了一套基于虚拟仪器混合动力电动汽车车载运行参数记录分析系统

    An on-board running data acquisition and analysis system based on virtual instrument is developed according to the characteristics of HEV.


  • 主要讨论了并联式混合动力电动汽车控制策略详细阐述了控制策略依据以及控制过程并给出了控制策略的仿真结果

    The control strategy for a parallel hybrid electric vehicle is studied, the base of control strategy and the control course are expatiated, finally the simulation result is given.


  • 参考混合动力电动汽车成功经验,开发混合动力摩托车十分具有可行性,也势必节约能源降低排放等方面发挥巨大作用

    Referring to the success of hybrid electric vehicles, a hybrid motorcycle system is feasible, which will play an important role in saving energy source and reducing drain.


  • 论文根据混合动力电动汽车工作特点,从影响经济性动力性等几方面因素确定混合动力电动汽车应该采集运行参数。

    In this thesis, the writer confirms the necessary running data according to the factors that affect HEV's dynamical and economic performance.


  • 通过MATLAB为平台Advisor分析软件,对开发的并联式混合动力电动汽车(PHEV)动力总成及传动参数配置效果进行仿真分析。

    The simulation analysis results of the powertrain of a parallel hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) are presented based on the given parameter configuration of the transmission system of the whole vehicle.


  • 混合动力汽车不像电动汽车从不需要电源

    Hybrids, unlike pure electric cars, never need to be plugged in.


  • 为了增加电动汽车使用量,德国还采取了其他措施,包括全国建立一百多万个混合动力汽车电池充电站

    Other efforts to increase the use of electric vehicles include plans to build over 1 million hybrid and electric car battery charging stations across the country.


  • 混合动力以及电动汽车发展趋势将会加速软件的转移,其中电动汽车完全电脑控制

    The trend toward hybrid and electric vehicles will only accelerate the software shift-electric cars are completely computer controlled.


  • 混合动力以及电动汽车发展趋势将会加速软件的转移,其中电动汽车完全电脑控制

    The trend toward hybrid and electric vehicles will only accelerate the software shift-electric cars are completely computer controlled.


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