If you want to customize a scrollbar control, then you must devise your own method.
Controls like text fields, pick lists, or scrollbars are used to select specific values rather than merely trigger single actions.
For other controls, scroll bars might appear or Flex might chop the content area (a process called content clipping) to maintain the dimensions you specify.
So what we have to do is create our own scrollbar as a user control.
They put the frequently used but visually dislocating functions on small controls to the left of the horizontal scrollbar near the bottom of the screen.
图19 - 1图中显示的是我们熟悉的滚动条,是图形用户界面中一种较难使用的控件。
Figure 19-1: the familiar scrollbar, shown on the left, is one of the more difficult -to-use GUI controls.
列表控件是一个很小的文本区,右侧有一个垂直滚动条(参见图21 - 10)。
List controls are small text areas with a vertical scrollbar on the right-hand edge (see Figure 21-9).
Most controls that need scroll bars already provide them and do not require this control.
Most controls that need scroll bars already provide them and do not require this control.