• 烦恼闻起来柠檬一样

    Troubles smelled like lemon drops.


  • 可能感觉就像皮肤水珠

    It probably feels like a little glob of water drop under your skin.


  • 苹果树上。

    A drop fell on the apple tree.


  • 睡觉。”第三叫道

    "Ah, here in the bed, I am sleeping," cried the third drop of blood.


  • 自己洗礼时用甜的红葡萄酒

    I should like a drop of sweet red christening wine myself.


  • 竖起标志提醒人们节约每一

    She will put up a sign to remind people to save every drop of water.


  • 每隔小时

    Take ten drops every four hours.


  • 这儿水珠。

    There was a little drop of water.


  • 一个喷嚏可以多达40000唾液黏液喷空气中。

    One sneeze can put as many as 40,000 droplets of saliva and mucus into the air.


  • 熔化了蜡烛边上流下。

    Melted wax dribbled down the side of the candle.


  • 口水顺着下巴往下流。

    Gobs of spittle ran down his chin.


  • 眼泪沿着面颊流了下来。

    A tear traced a path down her cheek.


  • 听到的死讯流一眼泪。

    She shed no tears when she heard he was dead.


  • 泪水顺着老人面颊流了下来。

    A tear trickled down the old man's cheek.


  • 水瓶即使平放也不

    The flask is completely watertight, even when laid on its side.


  • 看门疯狗锁链的一头垂涎欲

    Mad guard dogs slavered at the end of their chains.


  • 在两耳后抹了一小麝香香水

    She dabbed a drop of the musky perfume behind each ear.


  • 整个审讯过程中没掉一眼泪。

    She remained dry-eyed throughout the trial.


  • 又一轻轻答一声落下。

    Another drop of water fell with a soft plop.


  • 我们骨髓里有脂肪

    Our bone marrow contains fat in the form of small globules.


  • 眼泪沿面颊流下来。

    A tear rolled down his face.


  • 擦去瞎了的眼睛里的泪水。

    He wiped a tear from his sightless eyes.


  • 甜食菜单馋得垂涎欲

    I was tempted by the dessert menu.


  • 了看爸爸眼里噙着泪珠

    I looked at Pop and he had big tears in his eyes.


  • 眼泪哒一声落正在书页上

    A tear plopped down onto the page she was reading.


  • 绝对酒不沾。

    He's strictly teetotal.


  • 无人相信应该鼓励现在酒不沾的开始去饮酒。

    No one believes that current nondrinkers should be encouraged to start imbibing.


  • 需要很小胶水所以胶水能用很久

    You only need a very small blob of glue, so one tube lasts for ages.


  • 不可思议的是,不舔一口水能活这么久。

    It's incredible how long a cat can go without more than a lick of milk or water.


  • 不可思议的是,不舔一口水能活这么久。

    It's incredible how long a cat can go without more than a lick of milk or water.


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