• 此事触发了此后数月激烈讨价还价

    That was the cue for several months of intense bargaining.


  • 这些计划遭到激烈批评

    The plans have already come in for fierce criticism.


  • 一场激烈的争论正在以色列政府内部进行。

    An intense debate is going on within the Israeli government.


  • 激烈的竞选言辞使反对党数月保持警觉

    His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months.


  • 活动激烈时期

    It was a period of intense activity.


  • 19世纪激烈战斗之一

    It was one of the fiercest battles of the 19th century.


  • 加入篮球队面对激烈竞争

    There is a fierce competition to join the school basketball team.


  • 他们嘴里缓和,骨子里却进行激烈的争夺

    They talk about detente, but in actuality they are engaged in intense rivalry.


  • 经过激烈的搏斗海盗手中紧握的短剑扯了下来。

    There was fierce struggle, in which the cutlass was torn from the pirate's grasp.


  • 如今学生面临着激烈竞争他们感到压力很大。

    Students are facing fierce competitions nowadays, which makes them very stressful.


  • 这个电视节目引起激烈争论

    This television programme provoked a spirited debate.


  • 一些言辞激烈的谴责合理的。

    He was justified in some of his condemnatory outbursts.


  • 之间激烈的争吵

    There've been some bitter exchanges between the two groups.


  • 过分认真激烈感受恐慌

    His intensity and the ferocity of his feelings alarmed me.


  • 演讲激起激烈争论

    His speech has provoked a raging debate.


  • 所学院就读竞争非常激烈

    There is keen competition for places at the college.


  • 面对激烈竞争我们赢得了这项合同。

    We won the contract in the face of stiff competition.


  • 他们看到市场一个竞争激烈商机

    They spotted a niche in the market, with no serious competition.


  • 今天我们进入竞选活动最激烈阶段

    Today we enter the hottest phase of the election campaign.


  • 人们争论进行激烈时候口无遮拦。

    People say all kinds of things in the heat of an argument.


  • 双方陷入激烈争论

    The two sides are locked into a bitter dispute.


  • 随后争论激烈的

    The ensuing argument had been bitter.


  • 我们遇到激烈反对

    We face stern opposition.


  • 变得过分地猜忌,接着激烈打斗。

    She got insanely jealous and there was a terrible fight.


  • 1976年以来,激烈内战几乎持续不断

    The civil war has raged almost continuously since 1976.


  • 最佳女演员这个奖项面临着激烈竞争

    She faces stiff competition in the Best Actress category.


  • 宗教领袖们教义上区别展开了激烈辩论。

    Doctrinal differences were vigorously debated among religious leaders.


  • 发情期野猪们会为求偶而展开激烈的争斗

    During the rutting season the big boars have the most terrible mating battles.


  • 激烈战斗两天的停火之后今天在那里爆发了

    Heavy fighting erupted there today after a two-day cease-fire.


  • 激烈战斗两天的停火之后今天在那里爆发了

    Heavy fighting erupted there today after a two-day cease-fire.


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