Cold worked reinforcement loses more strength than hot rolled bars.
The British Standard grade 460 bars, which when quenched with left heat after rolling, are naturally aged for different times.
Taking the high strength PC bar for example, this paper introduce the automatic control function of the heat-treatment line of the reinforcing bar production.
In this article, installment, welding, and heat processing of frame of steel composite structure, and construction of form, reinforcement and concrete are introduced.
模拟典型火灾温度时间曲线,对热轧的Q 2 35钢钢筋进行受热处理,测定在不同火灾温度下q 2 35钢的晶粒度和硬度。
Grain size and hardness of hot rolled Q235 steel were studied by means of heat treatment to simulate typical fire temperature time process.
模拟典型火灾温度时间曲线,对热轧的Q 2 35钢钢筋进行受热处理,测定在不同火灾温度下q 2 35钢的晶粒度和硬度。
Grain size and hardness of hot rolled Q235 steel were studied by means of heat treatment to simulate typical fire temperature time process.