Low secondary thermal shrinking rate, good flatness; Used for Flexible Printed Circuit (FPCB).
该材料具有较好的物理机械性能,热收缩率达96 ~ 100%。
The materials have good physical and mechanical properties and 96-100% shrink ratio.
经(NG)改性的聚酯薄膜在热空气中的热收缩率超过35 % ;
Polyester film modified with NG had a shrinkability of more than 35% after the treatment in hot air.
The boiling water shrinkage and dry-heat shrinkage rate of HT are also the greatest among the three types of industrial PET filaments.
The effects of IPA and DTG additions on thermal properties of chips and thermal shrinkage and ageing stability of fibers were studied.
The results show that, after soaking by acid rain, dry heat shrinkage ratio of the leather increases, and the dry thermostability decreases.
The affection of the temperature of heat board and heat plate on the heat shrinkage of polyester filament was studied in this paper; finally the regression equations were given.
CDP - FDY纤维的干热收缩率、卷曲度、卷曲弹性率均随热处理温度的上升、时间的延长而提高。
At the same time, the hot shrinkage, crimp ratio and crimp rigidity increase with the increasing heat treatment temperature and time.
In this paper, we discussed tenacity and drying shrinkage rate of the advertising lamp shade PET industrial fiber using the orthogonal test and single-factor test.
Moreover, PPS fibers had been experimented on heat treatment, and some relations between dry heat shrinkage, tenacity retention and heat treatment time and heat treatment temperature were studied.
The mechanical properties of such oriented PE were rather sensitive to the process temperature, and the thermal shrinkage of the material was also high.
通过沸水收缩率、干热收缩率、卷曲度、卷曲弹性率等一系列测试方法讨论了不同拉伸温度的CDP - FDY纤维热处理后的收缩和卷曲性能。
The shrinkage and crimp behavior of CDP-FDY fibers at different drawn temperature after heat treatment are studied by means of boiling water shrinkage, hot shrinkage, crimp ratio and crimp rigidity.
Cable shall endure heat shrinkable test; shrinkable ratio shall be no more than 2%; no cracks appear on the surface of cable.
Cable shall endure heat shrinkable test; shrinkable ratio shall be no more than 2%; no cracks appear on the surface of cable.