The effects of different water content on the gelatinization, short-term and long-term retrogradation of rice starch were studied.
Then the applications of TAK in the kinetic study of starch gelatinizaton, thermal decomposition and drying of foodstuffs were reviewed briefly.
The thermal properties of all the starches during pasting were analyzed by performing DSC.
Results show that lily starch had low gelatinization temperature and enthalpy.
Scanning electron microscopy exhibited that cross-linking hindered amylose exudation from the surfaces of the granules of cationic corn starch.
结果表明,小米淀粉与玉米淀粉相比,糊的凝胶稳定性好、持水力强、膨胀力高、糊化温度高、热焓变值大、但透明度较差、冻融稳定性不佳、 热稳定性差;
The results have showed, millet starch, compared with maize starch, have weaker agglutination stability, higher swelling power and gelatinization temperature, poor freeze-thaw stability;
The swell and solubility of starch decreased in the presence of lipid, it change the temperature and enthalpy of gelatinization, and also have an effect on rheological proper…
The swell and solubility of starch decreased in the presence of lipid, it change the temperature and enthalpy of gelatinization, and also have an effect on rheological proper…