Thermocouple is a kind of the most widely used temperature sensor.
The temperature sensor includes thermocouple, thermoelectrical resistance mainly.
Some of the novel temperature transducers which meet the thermal potential of thermocouples, e. g. the infrared temperature probe and compound armored thermocouple are introduced.
Adopted sensitive micro-K thermocouple detector provides quick and accurate temperature measurement of a tip.
In a large number of thermal instrumentation, as a thermocouple temperature sensors, has been the wide use.
All three types of temperature sensors can be used inside the melt bolt and nozzle assemblies, RTD's, Thermistors and Thermocouples.
A method of thermocouple cold junction temperature real time compensation was introduced, which utilizes digital sensor to measure temperature, and micro-controller to process the temperature data.
The transmitter must have the diagnostic capability to distinguish a thermocouple burnout from an out of range temperature.
In this paper, a kind of thin film thermocouple is designed for transient temperature measurement, and a new experimental scheme of temperature transducer dynamic calibration is presented.
As a sensor for measuring temperature, industrial assembly thermocouple are usually compatible with display instrument, recording instrument, actuator, PLC and DCS system.
It can connect several kinds of temperature sensors such as hot resistances and thermocouples.
Thermocouples and thermopiles are devices that use the Seebeck effect to measure the temperature difference between two objects, one connected to a voltmeter and the other to the probe.
The K-type thermocouple is used as temperature sensor, and it constitutes the temperature measurement system with temperature acquisition system which is controled by EP1C12Q240I7.
The traditional method of temperature detection cable uses the thermistors and thermocouples as temperature sensors. Usually the temperature sensors are installed in some fixed points in the cables.
The Rosemount offering of general use sensors and thermowells can provide a complete solution for your temperature measurement needs.
通过比对热电偶和PT 100热电阻两种测温传感器,从而选取更适合于井下施工,测量更加精确的采空区温度测量传感器。
By comparing thermocouple and PT1000 type of thermal resistance, we can choose the one that can be more suitable for construction of underground and more accurate.
As a sensor for measuring temperature, industrial assembly thermocouple are usually compatible with display instrument, recording instrument, actuator, PLC and DCS system.
As a sensor for measuring temperature, industrial assembly thermocouple are usually compatible with display instrument, recording instrument, actuator, PLC and DCS system.