• 场下电子过程主要隧穿效应电子有关行为

    Tunnel Effect and the different behaviors of hot electrons consist of the main electronic processes under high electric field.


  • 研究人员预期一般电子传导,而并未指望能观测热电子的传导。

    The researchers didn't expect to see hot-electron transfer in action, just the transfer of ordinary electrons.


  • 如果考虑热电子产生加热机制,则占主导地位的加热机制是共振吸收对电子的加热。

    If considering the generated and acceleration mechanism of hot electrons, the main acceleration of hot electron comes from resonance absorption.


  • 钙钛矿型纳米可以克服传统无机半导体量子某些缺陷以达到热电子缓慢冷却高效提取

    Colloidal perovskite nanocrystals can overcome the limitations of traditional inorganic quantum dots and achieve slow hot carrier cooling and efficient extraction.


  • 通过一些特殊方法HT-6M托卡马克可以稳定运行只带少量电子超低密度SLD区域

    The HT-6M Tokamak can be operated stably in the super low density (SLD) region with a few over-hot electrons by some specific methods.


  • 不过如果基于热电子传导的高效太阳能电池板最终能实现的话,我们已经出了所必须一步

    However, if such high-efficiency solar cells based on hot-electron transfer are to be become a reality, we have shown the necessary first step.


  • 团队尝试探测电子传导的电流制作基于热电子传导的太阳能电池板,即使其能量转化效率仍然很低

    The team will now attempt to detect the transferred electrons as current and make solar cells that exploit hot electron transfer, even if the efficiency is still low.


  • 科学家们如果这些热电子能够转化热能浪费掉之前被捕获,光电能量转化可以达到最高66%的效率

    If the energy of these hot electrons could be captured before it is converted into wasted heat, solar-to-electric power-conversion efficiencies could be increased to as high as 66%, say scientists.


  • 他们发现这些能级皆低于TiO2传导意味着量子放射出热电子能够PbSe传导TiO2。

    They found that these states were always below the TiO2 conduction band, which means that hot electrons from the quantum dot can transfer from the PbSe to the TiO2.


  • 最后我们模拟发现,普通soi结构SBSD - MOSFET有效阻挡来自源结的热电子发射泄漏电流不能阻挡来自漏结的穿泄漏电流。

    Finally, our simulation result shows that conventional SOI SBSD-MOSFET can effectively suppress thermionic emission leakage current, but it still can not suppress tunneling leakage current.


  • 基于异质结构热电子发射的热电制冷近年来提出的一种高效制冷方法。

    The thermionic emission cooling employing hetero structure is a high efficient cooling method.


  • 分析4hsic肖特基势二极管正向电流热电子发射理论基础上,计算肖特基势垒高度

    Based on the thermionic emission theory of the current density of4h-sic schottky barrier diodes under the forward bias the calculations for the schottky barrier height?


  • 由于图像采集传输量化过程中产生热电子噪声利用邻域平均加权中滤波方法有效地减小。

    Averaging method of neighborhood and medium filtering method are used to effectively overcome thermionic noise as result of courses of image transferring, gathering and quantization and so on.


  • 热电子降低不稳定性增长率,减少等离子体的反常输运损失

    Hot electron ring can reduce growth rate of the instability and anomalous transport flux.


  • 我们讨论宇宙热电子宇宙微波背景康普顿散射效应

    We discussed the inverse Compton effect of the hot electrons of the universe in scattering off the microwave background photons.


  • 实验研究了超强激光脉冲薄膜相互作用产生热电子分布随激光入射角的变化。

    The effect of laser incidence angle on the angular distribution of hot electrons generated in the interaction of an ultrashort intense laser pulse with the foil target are investigated.


  • 耀斑诊断高能粒子传播以及对非热电子谱的低能截止问题进行了讨论。

    The problems on diagnostic to flare models, energetic particles propagation, and the low energy cut-off of the non-thermal electrons are discussed.


  • 研究结果表明氧化层击穿限制因素依赖注入热电子空穴量的平衡。

    The results show that the limiting factor in thin gate oxides breakdown depends on the balance between the amount of injected hot electrons and holes.


  • 热电子降低等离子交换漂移增长率,减少漂移波引起等离子体反常输运损失。

    The hot electrons can reduce the growth rate of the interchange mode and drift wave driven by the plasma, and suppress the anomalous plasma transport caused by the drift wave.


  • 结果表明氧化层击穿限制因素依赖注入热电子空穴量的平衡

    The results show that the limiting factor for thin gate oxides depends on the balance between the amounts of injected hot electrons and holes.


  • 但是由于开展时间,快点火机制中的许多物理需要仔细研究,其中热电子稠密等离子体中的输运问题就是一个复杂,然而对快点火机制至关重要的物理问题

    But for its short time research, there are lot of physics need to be studied, among which, the transport of relativistic electrons in dense plasmas is an interesting and important subject.


  • 理论上预示热电子等离子体中,等离子体漂移重要的低频不稳定性

    The theoretical analyses predict that the drift wave is the most dangerois low frequency instability in the hot electron plasma.


  • 本文研究了电子束蒸铝MOS结构热电子雪崩注入界面效应

    This Paper studies interface effect of avalanche hot electron in MOS structures.


  • 通过运用美国热电子公司生产680HVM型碳氢化合气体分析仪确定了该仪器的最佳使用条件泄漏量计算模式

    With 680HVM Hydrocarbon gas analyzer produced by American Thermo Electric Com. , the optical working conditions and the leakage calculation mode of the analyzer are determined.


  • 为了考虑热电子低能截止影响,必须采用严格的回旋同步辐射理论计算

    To consider the effect of low-cutoff energy of non-thermal electrons, it is necessary to calculate with more strict theory of gyro-synchrotron radiation.


  • 研制了热电子磁谱仪介绍了谱仪的工作原理设计思想结构主要技术指标

    The hot electron magnetic spectrometer was developed and its principle, (designing) idea, structure and index were introduced.


  • 本文以石墨阴极介绍了一种式阴极横向放电特性指出热电子发射阴极的主要机理

    Taking graphite cathode as an example, the transverse discharge characteristics of a self heated cathode are described. It is indicated that the cathode mechanism is hot electron emission.


  • 主要叙述了MM-2装置通过ECRH加热等离子体形成热电子实验诊断方法,原理、结果讨论

    The diagnostic methods, experiment results and some discussion in MM-2 ECRH experiment for heating plasma and building a hot electron ring have been presented in this paper.


  • 通过理论分析,利用理想二极管外加磁场的方法,证明了真空中热电子发射电子动能分布符合费米-狄拉克分布。

    When an ideal diode was alive under a magnetic field, it could emit a thermal electron from its negative plate.


  • 看来这次复苏终于开始,”马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆一家制造工业仪器热电子公司总经理哈特索波罗斯

    "It seems that this recovery is finally under way, " said George N. Hatsopoulos, chief executive of the Thermo Electron Corporation, a maker of industrial instruments in Waltham, Mass.


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