Banned in today's cosmetics, the cancer-causing tar residue can be found in burnt substances and foods such barbecue, coffee, cigarette smoke, and coal tar.
The railroad cross-ties will be made entirely of a plastic composed of recycled materials from both consumer and industrial plastic waste.
But general basketball is available be in the cement floor and tar space, the dermis and the basketball composing skin are to use on interior plank field.
In light of the situation of the instruments used in the intensive processing of coke tar, some problems that need to be solved in the centralized upgrading of the instruments are discussed.
Sens. Lautenberg and Olympia Snowe (R-ME) are the authors of S. 2685, a bill to prohibit the cigarette companies of using the so-called "FTC method" for measuring tar and nicotine.
Using catalyst is an available and economic method to improve the quality of small-molecule combustible gas, increase the biomass utilization efficiency and decrease the tar yield.
所要解决的问题就是背景技术存在的传统香 烟的主料含有尼古丁毒素,使用前一般不进行焦油提取。
The problem needed to be solved is that the primary material of traditional cigarette of background technique contains nicotine toxin and the tar is generally not extracted before using.
This paper proposed to use coal tar and other processed products instead of partial heavy oil for float glass plants and analyzed related market supply, economic and technical feasibility.
As wood contains high volatile matter, updraft gasifier system produce the gas containing tar, which need to be cleaned before using in engines.
The new product is said to use a unique blending process and a flavor Thread Filter containing natural menthol flavor to provide a more satisfying flavor and impact in what is a 1 mg-tar product.
The produce gas of biomass contents 1.0-10.0% tar, which will be condensed on boilers, pipelines of transportation and the inlet devices of diesel engine in the process of utilization.
This paper described the preparations for substituting heavy oil by coal tar. It pointed out the problems from coal tar and advanced the reasons and the measures.
When coal tar is used or replaces heavy oil as fuel some critical notes must be focused on its application so as to insure glass quality and reduce production cost.
A high quality activated carbon has been prepared from coal tar pitch by chemical activation method using KCNS solution as an activating agent and through appropriate technical conditions.
因此决定使用这种具有渗透性和能重新粘结道路的煤焦油混合剂来处理 整个表面。
Therefore it was decided to treat the surface using a coal tar mixture that would penetrate the pavement and bind the pavement together.
It is easy for construction, no tar oil and bitumen, no poison, no smell and is widely used in waterproof project, an ideal environmental waterproof material.
In the present study, a down-draft gasifier is applied to treat municipal solid waste (MSW) in Guangzhou City through air gasification.
The technology is used for conversion from hydrofining coke-oven gas into the oil, conversion from coal tar into the oil and light benzole hydrorefining.
Conclusions in the coal tar processing, the harmful factors are the series of benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, phenolics and co which is used in the process of production.
The smoke extract is with the present method produced by means of supercritical extraction of fractions of the wood tar.
The smoke extract is with the present method produced by means of supercritical extraction of fractions of the wood tar.