The relationship between temperature, carbon loss rate and compression strength of coke in the lumpish section of blast furnace was investigated.
The result shows that CDQ not only can improve coke quality and lower coke rate of blast furnace, also it has obvious energy-saving effect and environmental protection effect.
I have the impression that blASt furnace smelting USES coke. It must be used AS fuel.
As a simple overview, the blast furnace needs coke from the coke plant to reduce the iron ore (iron oxide) to iron.
The coke car moves quickly from the oven end along rails into a quench tower and the coke is sprayed with water.
It shows that this passivation technology can efficiently improve thermal performance of coke and bring prominent economical benefit.
The coke is also used as the fuel for the blast furnace process.
The results show that the life of metal structure cannot be influenced after using the coke treated by passivator solution in BF.
The influence of coke quality on blast furnace operation and the requests of coke quality are introduced.
The production capacities of coking coal and anthracite are great and can satisfy the demands of producing coke and blast furnace PCI.
Following constantly strengthen producing, demanding to coke's hot reactivity is also improved by puddling system.
Meanwhile, coke quality of tamping coke oven can satisfy the need of BF. production, the production cost of fitting coal is reduced.
The quality of coke is important to the production of blast furnace and the latter must be changed along with the former.
Large scale blast furnace is the developing trend of the ironmaking. Constructing huge blast furnace must have fine burden and high grade coke.
The carbon loss of coke and the change of coke reactivity index in lumpish section of blast furnace were studied.
The industrial practice shows that BiPCI process can protect the strength of coke effectively and improve the operational indicators of blast furnace.
On this basis of the research, the fragmentized mechanism of coke in a blast furnace is analyzed.
Aiming at the burden degradation and the problem of which alkali has a strong impact on blast furnace process in recent years, the influence of alkali on coke was studied.
It pointed out that recently ironmaking by blast furnace is still the main iron making process and consequently, coke has a stable market demand.
I have the impression that blast furnace smelting USES coke.
The coke car moves quickly from the oven end along rails into a quench tower and the coke is sprayed with water.
The coke quantity variety to the influence of the Blast furnace operation and the concrete request for coke quantity. in production of the big Blast furnace are Introduced.
Under the real condition of the reaction degrees in a blast furnace, the relationship between compression strength of coke and its carbon loss rate Lc is approximate linear.
The integrated influence of the temperature and LC on coke strength and change of coke strength in blast furnace are discussed.
The blast furnace is influenced by the coke's hot reactivity in breathing freely and producing all right .
Combined with production practice, the coke's condition and action in different position of BF are discussed. It is shown that coke reactivity affects BF performance greatly.
The deterioration mechanism of the tuyere coke and the relationship between the tuyere coke property and the BF operation were discussed.
The results showed that the carbon loss was increased from top to bottom of the blast furnace lumpish section, but didn't exceed 10%.
Influence of different tuyere diameter, length and coke particle sizes composition on radial length, width, height and volume in BF tuyere rotary region is studied by calculation.
Influence of different tuyere diameter, length and coke particle sizes composition on radial length, width, height and volume in BF tuyere rotary region is studied by calculation.