• 独木舟游完尼罗河全程。

    He travelled the length of the Nile in a canoe.


  • 他们加拿大野外独木舟

    They went canoeing in the wilds of Canada.


  • 他们学会了将倾覆独木舟翻过来

    They learnt to right a capsized canoe.


  • 独木舟遇上急流打着转。

    The canoe found the current and swung around.


  • 我们划着独木舟沿海岸而行

    We paddled the canoe along the coast.


  • 独木舟朝天漂浮湖面上

    The canoe floated upside down on the lake.


  • 独木舟防水木材制成

    The canoe is made from an impermeable wood.


  • 我们独木舟拖上了海滩,直朝堤岸拖去。

    We beached the canoe, running it right up the bank.


  • 独木舟划破水面前行。

    The canoe cut through the water.


  • 独木舟中的极品

    This is the Rolls-Royce of canoes.


  • 独木舟在那儿急流下面地方。

    His canoe was there, on the river below the rapids.


  • 我们河边独木舟

    We ran to the river and jumped into the canoe.


  • 树皮重要用途用作独木舟

    The most important use of the bark, by far, was the canoe.


  • 探险者谨慎地独木舟向上游划去

    The explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream.


  • 皮划艇独木舟上那样做划桨动作。

    Paddle like you're in a kayak or canoe.


  • 这些桦树皮独木舟优点之一它们可以装载大量货物

    One great thing about these birch bark canoes was that they could carry a large amount of cargo.


  • 他们树上剥下大片树皮做成轻便结实独木舟

    They would peel large sheets of bark from the tree to form lightweight yet sturdy canoes.


  • 这种桦树皮独木舟效率新来人留下了深刻的印象

    This efficiency of the birch bark canoe also made an impression on newcomers to the area.


  • 他们使用简单独木舟海洋漫游勇敢的海洋探险者

    They were daring blue-water adventurers who used basic canoes to rove across the ocean.


  • 喜欢变得脏兮兮的,整天划着独木舟交朋友,我愿意这样完一生。

    I loved getting dirty, paddling canoes all day long and making friends to last a lifetime.


  • 由于树木变得稀少他们不能建造木制独木舟捕鱼,只好捕食鸟类

    As trees became scarce and they could no longer construct wooden canoes for fishing, they ate birds.


  • 这些独木舟使他们能够跨越一个广阔地区,而今天过去需要几个小时

    The canoes allow them to travel over a vast area that today would take a few hours to fly over.


  • 没有知道他们独木舟是什么样子的,也没有人知道他们如何操作的。

    Nobody has any idea what their canoes looked like or how they were rigged.


  • 他们曾经这样假设人们基础建造了独木舟重现那些早期航行

    There has been this assumption they did, and people have built canoes to re-create those early voyages based on that assumption.


  • 乘坐独木舟船头坐着个男孩,他用简单弹弓、一条橡胶皮带块皮石头

    The boy in the bow of my canoe slapped stones at birds with a simple sling, a rubber thong and a leather pad.


  • 原始生活中他们能够把这些事情得更好青春期男孩父亲一起独木舟出去钓鱼打猎

    They do these things better in primitive life, for there the adolescent boy joins his father in making canoes and going out fishing or hunting.


  • 由于北美东北部地区许多溪流水路相连,所以通过独木舟这样的船只进行水上运输重要的

    Since the northeast region of North American is interconnected by many streams and waterways, water transportation by vessels like a canoe was most essential.


  • 他们在大部分区域内航行,只是偶尔需要进行陆上搬运,比如说独木舟附近另一小溪中。

    They could travel throughout the area only occasionally having to portage, to carry the canoe over a land short distance to another nearby stream.


  • 作为公园自然主义者做暑期兼职那年独木舟翻转了个身。Air划着水,我们必须岸边

    At a summer job working as park naturalists that year, I flipped the canoe. Air and I were paddling and we had to push it to shore.


  • 通过计算机模拟得到关于风向洋流详细研究结果表明,移民太平洋区域不可能的交通工具应该就是漂流独木舟

    Detailed studies of the winds and currents using computer simulations suggest that drifting canoes would have been a most unlikely means of colonizing the Pacific.


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