The model depicted here has an elaborately carved frame and upholstery that is nicely rounded on all surfaces for increased support and comfort.
At the same time, because this in-between area is surrounded by boxes painted black with calligraphy ink and illuminated by natural light from the entryway and skylights, it feels cozy and enclosed.
Lights embedded in the unique arch dome encircle to the roof, creating a transparent space of elegance and extraordinary taste.
Relieve skin around the eyes, retain self-nourishing moisture for the eyes securely, abate the dryness spontaneously generated by the eyes, improve black-eye and edema.
Landor created a bold, bursting Pepsi Dada logo to tie in with the energy of the Pepsi logo and bursts of light that surround it.
They believe that marrying in front of a large number of people demonstrates greater commitment to the union while also discouraging divorce.
The circles within circles and the trigrams that form the base of the bridge revolve around the small figure carved out of the paint.
The circles within circles and the trigrams that form the base of the bridge revolve around the small figure carved out of the paint.