• 鬼影细胞青光眼病人通常足以破坏玻璃体病史白内障摘除,玻璃体切除外伤

    The clinical history of a patient with ghost cell glaucoma usually includes an event likely to have disrupted the anterior hyaloid face, such as cataract extraction, vitrectomy, or trauma.


  • 摘要鬼影细胞青光眼病人通常有足以破坏玻璃体病史白内障摘除,玻璃体切除外伤

    The clinical history of a patient with ghost cell glaucoma usually includes an event likely to have disrupted the anterior hyaloid face, such as cataract extraction, vitrectomy, or trauma.


  • 结果手术中后囊破裂、悬韧带离玻璃体脱出人工晶状体脱位主要原因

    ResultsThe rupture of posterior capsule, broken ciliary zonule and prolapse of vitreous during surgery were mainly causes of IOL dislocation.


  • 术后1、1复查,炎、眼压升高、玻璃前界破裂、黄斑囊样水肿视网脱离并发症

    There were no complications such as iritis, IOP rising, breakup of anterior vitreous membrane, cystoid macular edema and retinal detachment 1 week and 1 month postoperatively.


  • 结果:手术发现15(71.4%)出现不完全性玻璃体脱离PVD),7眼(33.3%)有视网形成4眼(19.0%)发生视网脱离。

    RESULTS: Incomplete posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) was found in 15 eyes (71.4 %), epiretinal membrane was formed in 7 eyes (33.3 %), and retinal detachment occurred in 4 eyes (19.0 %).


  • 结果白内障手术影响I期人工晶状体植入主要原因晶状体韧带断离、晶状体后囊破裂玻璃体脱出

    Results Detachment of suspended zonular ligament, rupture of posterior capsule and vitreous prolapse are the main factors influencing IOL implantation during cataract surgery.


  • 玻璃体切除联合剥除治疗外伤性黄斑

    A clinical study of vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane peeling for traumatic macular hole.


  • 目的探讨囊环形囊制作起始瓣对玻璃体前界完整性影响

    Objective To evaluate the effect of posterior continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (PCCC) with initial tearing method on the integrity of anterior hyaloid membrane.


  • 全部9玻璃体10玻璃体脱离病例均探及血流

    No blood flow could be detected in all 9 cases of vitreous membranes and 10 cases of posterior vitreous detachment.


  • 后囊破损玻璃体丢失率3.3%(3只眼),术中追加球后麻醉,方完成手术

    Whereas posterior capsular was damaged and vitreous body was loss in 3 eyes (3.3%) and the operations were finished in retrobulbar anesthesia.


  • 术后并发症有出血IOL表面细小击痕玻璃体前界破裂,均对视力影响

    The complications included iris haemorrhage, slight damage on the surface of IOL and breakup of anterior vitreous membrane, and they had no influence upon the vision.


  • 结果:正常VRI包括紧密相邻玻璃体皮质PVC视网ILL) ,各自的特点

    Results Normal VRI consisted of the posterior vitreous cortex (PVC) and its adjacent internal limiting lamina (ILL) of the retina and each had its own characteristics in the structure.


  • 电阻器表面二次玻璃体保护覆盖完好且难以脱落表面平整

    The surface of resistor is covered with Protective coating which hard to fade, and the surface of coating should avoid unevenness.


  • 眼内淋巴瘤发生于葡萄视网玻璃体的淋巴瘤,中枢神经系统淋巴瘤密切相关。

    Intraocular lymphoma is a lymphoma which arises in the retina and vitreous. It can occur either together with or independently of primary cerebral nervous system lymphoma.


  • 中心凹脱离,可见玻璃体与内界附着

    Stage 1A: Foeal dehiscence, yellow spot, posterior hyaloids attached to ILM.


  • Olson博士指出:这份JMEC眼科中心研究发现因为晶状体悬韧带并发症导致玻璃体脱出的病例,内炎风险上升17倍。

    The JMEC study also showed that the risk of endophthalmitis was increased 17-fold in eyes with exposed vitreous as a result of a capsular or zonular complication. Dr.


  • 人工晶状体直接取出玻璃体切割取出,联合前段玻璃切割、瞳孔后发性白内障切除

    Other combined procedures included 3 port-vitrectomy, vitreoretinal surgery, anterior vitrectomy and extraction of pupillary membrane or after cataract by excision.


  • 结果完全性玻璃体后脱离超声表现可见玻璃体回声,呈纤细波浪状,球壁相连

    Results Typical acoustic properties of complete PVD presented clearly the vitreous posterior boundary membrane echo, rugosity and slender wave form, which didn't connect with the eyeball wall;


  • 水肿71只眼(2 .65 % ) ,后囊破裂玻璃体脱出87只(3 .2 5 % ) ,全部同时植入人工晶体。

    There were corneal edema in 71 cases (2.65%) , and vitreous hernia followed posterior capsular rupture in 87 cases (3.25%), and in the mean time all of the cases were implanted intraocular lens .


  • 困难后囊破裂玻璃体脱出、人工晶状体植入失败损伤并发症

    No nuclear expulsion difficulties, posterior capsule rupture, vitreous prolapse, intraocular lens implantation failure or complications such as iris damage occurred.


  • Q—开关红宝石激光多脉冲辐照法制39青紫蓝灰脉络视网玻璃体出血模型,从视网电图角度研究脉络视网重度激光损伤对视觉电生理的影响。

    The experimental hemorrhage models of choroid, retina and vitreous were made by Q-switched ruby laser in 58 eyes of 39 chinchilla rabbits. ERGs were recorded once a week.


  • Q—开关红宝石激光多脉冲辐照法制39青紫蓝灰脉络视网玻璃体出血模型,从视网电图角度研究脉络视网重度激光损伤对视觉电生理的影响。

    The experimental hemorrhage models of choroid, retina and vitreous were made by Q-switched ruby laser in 58 eyes of 39 chinchilla rabbits. ERGs were recorded once a week.


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