• 植物施肥促进其不断生长

    Feed plants to encourage steady growth.


  • 裸露的山坡上庄稼没法生长

    The crops will not grow on exposed hillsides.


  • 它们年龄生长速度推定

    Their age can be determined by extrapolation from their growth rate.


  • 细胞繁殖导致有机体迅速生长

    Multiplication of cells leads to rapid growth of the organism.


  • 头发生长速度可以得令人苦恼

    The rate at which hair grows can be agonizingly slow.


  • 车站月台两端生长玫瑰

    The station had roses growing at each end of the platform.


  • 没有充足授粉玉米生长会受阻

    Without sufficient pollination, the growth of the corn is stunted.


  • 母亲胎儿提供营养一个生长地方

    The mother provides the embryo with nourishment and a place to grow.


  • 沿河两岸生长野生植物

    The plants grow wild along the banks of rivers.


  • 这些植物倾向生长偏远的乡村地区

    These plants have a tendency to grow in the more rural areas.


  • 没有任何东西堵灰墙阴影生长

    Nothing would grow in the shadow of the grey wall.


  • 缺水妨碍植物生长

    Lack of water will stunt the plant's growth.


  • 污水中的营养物的确加快海藻的生长速度。

    Sewage nutrients do increase algal growth in the harbour.


  • 这种植物最适合阴凉潮湿环境下生长

    The plants grow best in cool, damp conditions.


  • 小麦生长冬季寒冷、夏季温暖干燥地方

    Wheat is grown in places which have cold winters and warm, dry summers.


  • 细菌基中生长

    The bacteria were growing in a sugar medium.


  • 损害导致植物生长受阻有时还会导致死亡

    Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant.


  • 这些植物高温潮湿的环境中才能生长得旺盛

    These plants need heat and humidity to grow well.


  • 癌细胞的繁殖生长通过放射线辐射加以抑制

    The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation.


  • 如果其自然生长主干延伸12英尺左右

    The main stem will extend to around 12 ft, if left to develop naturally.


  • 植物施肥它们生长疏于照管,它们就遭殃。

    Feed plants and they grow, neglect them and they suffer.


  • 氟化物可以强化生长中的牙齿证明的事实

    It is a proven fact that fluoride strengthens growing teeth.


  • 随着植物生长开始结果它们需要大量水分

    As the plants grow and start to bear fruit they will need a lot of water.


  • 促进生长因为薄荷会使土壤迅速变得贫瘠。

    A top dressing of fertilizer should be added to improve growth as mint impoverishes the soil quickly.


  • 树叶开始生长

    Leaves start growing on the trees.


  • 植物开始生长

    Plants begin to grow.


  • 是个在都市里男孩子

    I was born and raised a city boy.


  • 玫瑰修整得围绕着门口生长

    Roses had been trained around the door.


  • 这种植物生长起来茂盛茁壮。

    This plant is a vigorous grower.


  • 这种动物生长澳大利亚别处没有。

    This animal is found in Australia, and nowhere else.


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