Small wonder, then, user-generated content and ads have become new fad.
Other reasons include the increase in mobile devices connecting to the Internet and the annual growth in user-generated content on the Web.
Web sites like Twitter and Facebook also provide outlets for user-generated content.
Some concepts from this description are immediate lessons for developers of user-generated content sites.
That's because smart entrepreneurs realize user generated content still matters, it just doesn't directly translate to revenues.
Mr Semel was interested in YouTube, a video site built on user-generated content, but Google bought it instead.
Register your name as a username on all of the most popular sites that allow profiles or user-generated content.
从想要完成家庭作业的学生,到希望利用用户生成内容的Web开发人员等等,都可以通过Wikipedia 满足需求。
Everyone from kids looking to get a leg up on homework to Web developers tapping the power of user-generated content makes Wikipedia the first stop.
在线评论和用户生成内容(user - generated content, UGC)正通过与社会网络的融合,来提升其对旅游购买决策的影响力。
Online reviews and user-generated content are being combined with social networking, increasing their influence on travel-buying decisions.
当然,YouTube不会说这是背离UGC用户生成内容(宗旨的),几个月前马克斯列夫齐恩也表示,称UGC是赔本赚吆喝的大甩卖(loss-leader)“过于严厉” 。
Of course, YouTube won’t say it’s turning its back on user generated content, the same way Max Levchin said calling UGC a loss-leader was “too harsh” a few months ago.
Nothing special, we all live in the age of user generated content.
About 70% of Youku's content is licensed from broadcasters and other partners, and the remainder is generated by users or produced by Youku itself.
The researchers noted that was a more concentrated level of activity than is typical for social networks, in which the top 10 percent of users produce 30 percent of content.
You can iterate over these, break them down, and generate new user stories and epics.
Users can unknowingly execute malicious scripts when viewing dynamically generated pages based on content provided by an attacker.
The contents of the cache can be used to compute statistics, which in turn can be used to precompute pages that users are likely to request during their sessions.
如果Web 2.0是关于创建数据(又名用户生成的内容ugc),那么下一代Web的一切将是关于怎样使用这些数据。
If Web 2.0 was about creating data (A.K.A. user generated content), then the next generation of the Web is all about using that data.
大部分Web 2.0内容由用户和社区生成。
A large portion of Web 2.0 content is generated by users and communities.
When placed within an tag, these common actions allow client-side browsers to generate content in response to user-driven events.
Dynamic content is content generated by some server process, which when delivered can behave and display differently to the user depending upon their Settings and needs.
This is a particular problem if you change something the generated code relies on, as the generated code will go into error and users will generally delete the code and re-run the generator.
Sites that generate content based on specific user preferences (such as e-commerce, or news) need to collect data and pass it from page to page, recalculating the content based on that user's actions.
This models many users concurrently accessing dynamically generated and newly delivered content, such as messages and meetings.
The site is completely built on user-generated code and content.
A load test generator takes think time into account as it runs virtual users (more on this later) through its script.
It also introduces members such as RenderPartial, which can be used to render a portion of the user interface defined within a partial view as opposed to the full page.
Conceptually, when you use Dynamic UI Management, you add another step to the process of generating a user-specific content model.
Any content produced can be easily accessed by non-technical users and approved for publishing on web sites.
Any content produced can be easily accessed by non-technical users and approved for publishing on web sites.