Q: Are there any plans to change the in-game real ID system so that players will have the option to display an assigned user name instead of their real names?
By tracking information provided on user profiles, Biderman has been able to learn quite a bit about his clients, even if he doesn't know their real names.
Other sites ask that users provide their real names in order to be able to leave comments.
A simple way to do this is to look through the real names of the users and match those names which consist of one name followed by a space followed by another name.
SixDegrees was the first online business that attempted to identify and map a set of real relationships between real people using their real names, and it was visionary for its time.
The user name, real name, and E-mail address of each of these users is given under a users node within the XML.
Does not contain your user name, real name, or organization name.
The site requires users to provide their real names and email addresses for registration, and it then links them up with current and former friends and colleagues with amazing ease.
If required to use real names on bulletin boards, web users may not feel free to express their real thoughts.
If required to use real names on bulletin boards, web users may not feel free to express their real thoughts.