• 静电平衡过程特征时间物质电导电容率决定

    The characteristic time of electrostatic equilibrium process in decided by conductivity and permittivity of material.


  • 介绍了电子秤测量平行电容器两极板间静电力真空电容原理方法

    The theory and method of measuring the electrostatic force and the permittivity of vacuum in parallel plate capacitor by electronic balance are introduced.


  • 因此通过降低电极之间介电厚度同时增加储存电容电容以及像素开口

    It can reduce the thickness of the dielectric layer between the electrodes and synchronously increases capacitivity of storage capacitance and aperture ratio of pixel.


  • 图像处理器(62)根据具有不同加权的所述至少RF脉冲诱发的共振计算电容

    An image processor (62) computes electric permittivity maps from resonance induced by the at least two sets of RF pulses with different weighting.


  • 我们通过单位量纲表示电场单位和量纲的,如果我们真空的电容定义量纲的量,请基本力学量米、千克、秒来表示电荷的量纲。

    Express the unit and dimension for the electric field in terms of unit and dimensionality of charges, if we take the permittivity of the empty space as dimensionless quantity.


  • 基于电阻变化的触摸屏,其分辨往往低于目前应用程序的需要基于电容变化的触摸屏,要求用户使用时必须摘下手套

    Those relying on changes in electrical resistance tend to have poorer resolution than is needed for modern applications, while those that rely on capacitance require an ungloved finger.


  • 通过实验数据,归纳总结出电容测量模块射频测量模块用于测量相分经验公式

    The formulae of the capacitance module and RF module are attained after analyzing the experimental result.


  • 不同电抗电容器组谐波不同作用

    Capacitor Banks with various reactance ratio have different functions to harmonic.


  • 最终的目标是从真空断路器机械特性方面入手,降低操作并联电容组时的、并减小操作过电压危害

    The aim is to reduce the reignition rate and over-voltage damage from the perspective of the mechanical characteristics of the vacuum breaker switching shunt capacitor Banks.


  • 断路器电容不仅具有改善断路器各断口电压分布作用,而且能降低断路器断口恢复电压上升

    The circuit-breaker capacitor can not only improve the voltage distribution along arc-quenching chambers connected in series, but also reduce the rise rate of the recovery voltage.


  • 电流电流欧姆定律,电导基尔霍夫定律时变电流,自由强迫振荡电容电感阻抗谐振电路

    Electric currents: electric current, Ohm's law, conductivity, Kirchhoff's laws, time varying currents, free and forced oscillations, condensers, inductance, complex impedance, resonant circuits.


  • 在测量硅电容加速度传感器时,由于器件信号微弱寄生电容的干扰,提高加速度的稳定性和分辨非常困难。

    Due to the parasitic capacitance and weak output signal, which is limited by its dimensions, it is difficult to improve the resolution and stability of micro accelerometer efficiently.


  • 分析计算结果表明串联电抗器电抗不同,其电容回路谐波电流截然不同。

    Analysis and simulation results show that different harmonic currents flowing into the capacitor circuit is different due to different reactance ratio of series reactor.


  • 本文建议子一种两个不同电压扫描饱和电容确定产生寿命实验方法

    An experimental method to determine minority carrier generation lifetime from the values of saturation capacitance under two different voltage sweep rates has been presented.


  • 分析表明多个子列氧化电容漏电合格曲线可以求出氧化层完整性表征因子E 值(每个缺陷包含的单元)。

    Analyses show that the characteristic factor for oxide integrity E , i. e. the number of elements per defect, can be calculated from oxide capacitor leak current yield curves.


  • 本文讨论LC串联电路之后,提出了与电容配套使用电抗器电抗选取方法

    This paper discussed the LC series circuit, then proposed method to select the reactor reactance rate to support the use of the capacitor.


  • 试验结果表明采用LRC数字电桥,对以电容为主要依据多项电特性参数值测定检测茶叶的综合品质,正确判别达94%以上

    The experimental result showed that the electric capacity of tea measured with a numerical LRC bridge can be used to evaluate the tea quality, the rate of correct examination is above 94 %.


  • 基于同轴圆柱电容传感器测量原理,建立了用于固态含水测量的数学模型

    Mathematical model for measuring moisture in solid substance is presented based on the operating principle of a cylindrical capacitance type sensor.


  • 建立一种新型具有高速采集分辨测量电容数据采集系统

    With a high data acquisition speed and high resolution of capacitance measurement, a new capacitance data acquisition system is developed.


  • 一般开关电容变换器相比,它还具有直接反馈控制电压电流调整范围宽、器件参数要求不高、集成后成品高的优点。

    Power inductor is pared with conventional switched-capacitor DC-to-DC converters, the new type is directly controlled by wide regulating range of input voltage and the load.


  • 给出电压、光谱响应、电流极间电容、极间阻抗位置分辨和位置线性特性性能测试结果

    Several test results, such as reverse voltage, photo sensitivity, dark current, terminal capacitance, terminal impedance, position distinguishability, position Iinearity, were reported in the paper.


  • 研究基于电容原理测定刨花含水的方法。

    The measurement of chip moisture content (MC), based on capacitance, was researched.


  • 电容脉冲放电进行超高热处理细化金属晶粒尺寸、提高材料力学性能有效方法

    The super-high rate heat treatment with electro-pulsing is considered an effective method to refine crystalline and improve mechanical properties of metals.


  • 基于电荷转移测量电容变量原理,研制了一种电容原油含水传感器及其仪器

    Based on the charge transfer technique, the capacitance sensor and instrument for measuring water cut in oil are developed.


  • 电容耦合电阻CCR一种新颖的物探方法利用电容地下供电利用电容来测量地表耦合电位

    Capacitivity -Coupled Resistivity (CCR) Method is a new geophysical exploration method, which uses capacitor to supply current to underground and measures coupled electric potential as well.


  • 采用4.5%12%不同电抗下的电容组,有效地抑制5次3次两个主要谐波

    Using capacitor bank with two different reactance rates, 4.5%and 12%, can effectively suppress two main harmonies 3rd and 5th.


  • 电路噪声角度分析直流充放电法交流激励电容测量技术性能,得出交流法在增加电路复杂度极小条件下,可获得较高的电容分辨

    The DC charge based and ac based capacitance measurement technologies are analysised from the point of noise performance, which is the key factor to determine the resolution of measurement.


  • 系统有效地克服以及杂散电容影响具有较高原油含水测量准确度

    The system can overcome the influence by water mineralization degree and stray capacitance effectively, so the accuracy of the measurement of crude oil moisture is very high.


  • 仪器采用双极性脉冲电压作为电导测量的激励好地解决纯水电导测量中的极化效应电容效应对测量结果的影响。

    The instrument adopts the bi-directional pulsed voltage as its exciting source, which has a better solution to the negative of capacitive and polarizational effects at the electrodes.


  • 实验结果表明对于同一个MOS电容样品不同电压扫描组合得到产生寿命基本一致。

    The experimental results show that for the same MOS capacitor sample the obtained values of generation lifetime from varying association of voltage sweep rates are close each other.


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