• 口袋拿出一个相当大的棕色信封

    He took a largish buff envelope from his pocket.


  • 哈里继承房子房子周围相当土地

    Harry inherited the house and a sizable piece of land that surrounds it.


  • 如此优越的地理位置三四百居住一个相当大的永久性定居点

    With such a favorable location, about 300 to 400 people lived in a sizable, permanent settlement.


  • 这个论点似乎相当价值

    The argument seemed to have considerable merit.


  • 影片小说原作作了相当改动。

    The movie takes considerable liberties with the novel that it is based on.


  • 这次广告造势产生了相当大的影响。

    The advertising campaign packs quite a punch.


  • 我们计划相当灵活性

    Our plans are fairly elastic.


  • 需要现有系统进行相当改进

    Considerable modification of the existing system is needed.


  • 政府税务改革遇到相当阻力

    The government is running up against considerable opposition to its tax reforms.


  • 要是了皮尔斯,那会相当打击

    To be without Pearce would be a considerable blow.


  • 相当大的钱。

    It must have cost a tidy sum.


  • 他们需要相当充足的光线。

    They will need a reasonable amount of desk area and good light.


  • 恶作剧学生学校建筑造成相当损坏

    Student pranksters have done considerable damage to the school buildings.


  • 冒着相当生命危险跳到水里只狗

    He dived in to save the dog at considerable risk to his own life.


  • 这一对比表明理论实践之间相当出入

    The comparison shows considerable disagreement between theory and practice.


  • 社会服务性事业政府开支相当一部分。

    The social services account for a substantial part of public spending.


  • 我们已经项目上投入了一相当资金

    We have spent a not inconsiderable amount of money on the project already.


  • 使这种苦的病人康复已经付出相当努力。

    Considerable efforts have been made to rehabilitate patients who have suffered in this way.


  • 这种假设增加社会离婚接纳相当作用

    This assumption played a considerable part in increasing the social acceptability of divorce.


  • 科学界这些问题思考施加了相当影响

    He exerted considerable influence on the thinking of the scientific community on these issues.


  • 集中精力备课批改学生作业费了相当大的劲。

    It took an extraordinary effort to focus on preparing his classes or correcting his students' work.


  • 每一地区经理各自主管区域都享有相当自主权

    Each of the area managers enjoys considerable autonomy in the running of his own area.


  • 关于协议一部分到底是什么意思存在相当大的含混不清。

    There is considerable ambiguity about what this part of the agreement actually means.


  • 虽然承受压力一定相当,但保持冷面幽默

    Though the pressure Fulton is under must be considerable, he has retained his dry humour.


  • 根据方案顾客每两个月支付$45而不是每个月$18——相当增长

    Under the new plan, customers would pay $45 bimonthly, instead of $18 a montha substantial increase.


  • 目前为止,《朗读者》已经成为我主持生涯的一个转折点,这个节目给我带来了相当大的挑战。

    So far The Reader has become a turning point in my career in hosting and the program has brought me quite a huge challenge.


  • 看到一些相当划艇

    I've seen some fairly big rowing boats.


  • 一亿一个相当数目

    One hundred million is quite a large number.


  • 可能会认为公众对此相当大的兴趣

    There would, you might think, be a considerable public interest in it.


  • 可能会认为公众对此相当兴趣

    There would, you might think, be considerable public interest in it.


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