• 西方文化态度近似

    This is the attitude of the Western culture is similar to the black.


  • 对论无规位近似中,两种顾及贡献方法

    There are two methods to take account of the contribution of negative energy states in the relativistic random phase approximation.


  • 蝙蝠这种回响定位法常拿来和原理相近似雷达比拟。

    This echolocation in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar.


  • 利用无规近似,讨论了长波极限磁场条件下D-电子效应

    The many electron effects on the barrier D - center in a strong magnetic field are investigated in the framework of static random phase and long wave limit approximation.


  • 着重讨论了建立对论平均场基态上的对论无相近似的自处理。

    We emphasized the consistent approach in relativistic random phase approximation built on relativistic mean filed ground states.


  • 着重讨论了建立对论平均基态对论无相近似的自洽处理。

    The consistency in the relativistic random phase approximation (RRPA) built on the relativistic mean field (RMF) ground states are investigated.


  • 改善关节功能提高日常活动能力方面,TENS疗效常规理疗近似

    TENS displays a similar efficacy in prompting the improvement of joint function and the life activities as physiotherapy.


  • 某些细胞系细胞表面抗原性凝集素的反应方面相近似周期性变化

    In some cell lines there is a similar periodicity in changes of cell surface antigenicity or response to wheat germ agglutinin.


  • 结果表明两者均具有镇静、抗惊厥、解热抗炎强心降压作用作用强度毒性近似

    The results show that both drugs possess sedative, antispasmodic, antipyretic, antiinflammatory, cardiotonic and hypotensive effects, the strength of effect and toxicity being similar.


  • 陶器组合反映出的文化特征同为流域典型上宅文化明显不同,河南后岗一期文化相近似

    Shangzhai culture is a mid-Neolithic culture in Zhu River valley, but the painted and string pattern potteries are not existed, and the bird-head pottery in openwork is characteristic.


  • 然而至爱的,必须告诫你们内在洞察力任何地方都不那些你们外在肉眼所感知到相近似

    However beloveds, I must warn you that inner vision is nowhere close in resemblance to that which you perceive with your outer physical eyes.


  • CFRP弹性近似特点,应用骨折内固定可以减少应力遮挡避免钢板取出的再骨折。

    CFRP and bone have similar character in elastic mould, it can reduce stress proctection and avoid refracture after steel plate remove.


  • 说明C32分子器件电子传输主要集中于C32分子的表上,并且分子球内侧和外侧的电子传输近似

    The results show that the conductivities of C32 mainly concentrate on the molecular shell, and the electronic transmission on the inner surface is similar to that on the outside surface.


  • 采用无近似(RPA)耦合集团展开方法计算出2 + 1su(2)格点规范场的三六阶真空函数真空能量

    The coupled cluster method is improved with the random phase approximation (RPA) to calculate vacuum wave function and vacuum energy of 2 + 1-d SU (2) lattice gauge theory.


  • 为了准确地理解普罗俄罗斯故事特殊体裁认识,本文对普罗普著作中出现的与故事体裁相近似概念分别进行释义

    In order to understand exactly how Propp thinks of Russian tales as a particular style, the similar concepts relevant to the style of tales in Propp's works are interpreted in the article.


  • 及其合金与骨近似弹性模量、良好的生物容性生物环境优良的腐蚀性等在临床上得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Due to their similar elastic modulus to bone, excellent biocompatibility and corrosion resistance in biological environment, pure titanium and its alloys have been widely used in clinic.


  • 确定采用近似方法操作恶意软件的命令产生种树图现实看上去不同程序如何具有操作对象

    It can also define clusters of malware that operate in similar ways, and generate a kind of family tree showing how superficially different programs have similar modi operandi.


  • ICT待检材料木材铸件件等,它们密度一般比较均匀近,因此它们的ICT断层扫描图像近似于二值化图像

    The materials such as wood, cast and steel products, because their density are more homogeneous, so their image profiles which are inspected by ICT device must be binary-value images approximately.


  • 长度刚性长度时,弹性性质可以弹性或弹性细丝近似描述。

    The elastic property of DNA is characterized by the elastic rod and filament approximately when its length is almost equal to the bending persistence length.


  • 就语音模糊来说,它主要来源于发音器官细微变化以及邻或之间影响,人为确定的只是一近似于精确的模糊音。

    First, for phonetic fuzziness, the main cause is the tiny change of the cooperative move of the vocal organs and the influence of conjunctive sounds in different contexts.


  • 但在阈值以上,解的短时行为线性近似近。

    Both the above- and below-threshold behavior is calculated.


  • 拼音输入语音输入导致了发音近似错误的发生,笔型输入、OCR技术则导致了外形似错误的发生。

    Chinese Pinyin input system or speech recognition may lead to pronunciation-similar errors while Chinese Wubi input system may lead to shape-similar errors. The OCR technology has gradually matured.


  • 拼音输入语音输入导致了发音近似错误的发生,笔型输入、OCR技术则导致了外形似错误的发生。

    Chinese Pinyin input system or speech recognition may lead to pronunciation-similar errors while Chinese Wubi input system may lead to shape-similar errors. The OCR technology has gradually matured.


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