A real dollar crash would force the Fed to raise rates, making America's predicament much worse and even sending the global economy into recession.
You have thousands of dollars hidden in things you don’t really want oruse anymore.
And America will only really be eclipsed when China's GDP outstrips it in plain dollar terms, converted at market exchange rates.
A: I really enjoy working on any re? Engineering project where a true improvement results, for example, the JIT project in hich we saved more than ten thousand dollars per month in inventory costs.
If he is correct, it is the potential longer-term weakening of the dollar that is the real issue for the gold market, not inflation or deflation.
About one-third of the projected increase in the dollar value of the BRICs' GDPs comes from real currency appreciation rather than real growth.
Its real headache, given that most of its costs are in euros and its sales in dollars, is coping with a 30% drop of the dollar against the euro in recent years.
They gave up on gold at $100 an ounce, before it began its real push to the top, which eventually put the price over $800.
American consumer spending is roughly four times the size of China's and India's combined, but what matters for global growth is the extra dollars of spending generated each year.
美元走弱造成能源成本传递性的效用,进口价格上涨。 但两者也许并没有真正开始起作用,所以在未来的几个月中,核心通货膨胀率也许会略有上涨。
The effects of passed-on energy costs, as well as higher import prices stemming from a weaker dollar, have probably not run their course, so core inflation may edge higher in the months to come.
Congress will authorize billions more in stimulus that won't be called 'stimulus' and won't actually create jobs.
Some Europeans are using the weakness of the dollar to take advantage of sales in the place where they are truly a way of life: the U.S..
Observers frequently point out that many of the yuan’s gains in recent months have been on the back of a weakening U.S. dollar, leaving it still a long way to go in terms of real appreciation.
The fundraising effort results in revenues of about $700 million each year, and the process of raising that much money teaches girls real business skills.
For true dollar pessimists, these cyclical considerations are only part of the story.
The real question here is if she really inflicted over $200,000 in damages by sharing 24 songs, as the music industry claims (or any damage at all).
This strategy can help prevent entitlement and truly teach the value of a dollar earned.
What he is really selling is a thought process designed to help people keep track of the endless tasks of modern life -- whether buying birdseed or closing a billion-dollar merger.
You have to do a bit of number crunching to realize exactly how high a $5.5 billion annual deficit seemed then.
The concept of a billion dollars is pretty hard to fathom, which is okay because about 99.999% of us will never really have to deal with it.
We started, literally, with that book, $400 and my friend's PC.
We started, literally, with that book, $400 and my friend's PC.